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Messages - stevemav

Plan-G / Re: Error during importing CSV file
May 09, 2012, 10:52:12 AM
Dear friends I thank you for the interest but sincerely I do not understand!  :(
Activating the "Import" function, PlnG crashes!
Thanks anyway.

Bye ...
Plan-G / Re: Error during importing CSV file
April 23, 2012, 07:20:58 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on April 22, 2012, 09:33:03 PM
Are there any errors shown in the logs (windows or PG)?

Hi Tim,
this morning I tried again and still the same problem!
I attach the log file of PlanG; I hope you can understand if there is any abnormality.
Thanks for now ... Stefano ;-)
Plan-G / Error during importing CSV file
April 22, 2012, 12:08:21 AM
Good evening guys!
I have a problem with G-Plan, which previously I never had!
I should point out that the problem occurs on a PC running Windows 7 Pro 64bit, while on the usual PC (with Windows XP Pro 64bit) it has never happened.
When I try to perform an import of user waypoints (CSV file), a warning appears on the screen ... "plan-g has stopped working ... Windows is trying to solve the problem ...".
I tried several times but nothing to do! :(
Can anyone give me a hand?  ;)
Thanks to all !

And now this message box ... in quick printing request !  :(
Thanks Tim ....

Bye ... Stefano
Dear Tim,
in advance to the log file that I will send to you (I'll do it in the afternoon because now I'm at work), I just wanted to tell you that the flight plan that I will send you consists of two airports (airstrip) that I had manually enter in Plan-G.
Strange as these airports are covered in FSX and then when you create the initial database, G-Plan would have to import them!
I noticed a particular in the new version of Plan-G, too: If I create a new waypoint and classifies it as "Airport" is not possible to insert it into the flight plan as a point of departure or arrival and is therefore not possible to create a flight plan in that way.
I have to create it in FSX, upload it into G-Plan, and then I can edit it ! Strange but I think if I depart from or arriving at an airport (created by me), the program should also allow me to insert it as point of departure or arrival ! Do not you think ?  ???
Thanks Tim for everything and ... the next update !
Hello, Stephen  :) :)
Thanks Tim, I will send you all tomorrow !
Bye !  :)
Dear Tim first congratulations again for your great job.
Over one year, I use your program version 0.9.
Today I installed version 2.0, which from the pictures on your web site looked just changed into different things.
As the topic entitled, at installation, it became a box that indicated some error that I could not transcribe (I'll send you the log file from which you can perhaps understand something ... I hope).  :(
After creating a database of FSX, imported waypoints from the old version (I do not understand what is due the fact that not all points have been imported!), I begin to use the program.
After a simulated flight plan (saved with FSX format), I try to print it out and I get the following error box:
I installed as indicated also the latest version of Microsoft NET Framework 4.0 ... I do not understand ... perhaps as early as the first error during installation is a symptom ?  :( :( :(
The nice thing is that the same flight plan, loaded with the previous version of Plan G-0.9, I can not print! However, if other I open flight plans saved with version 0.9 I can print.
What do you advise me to do?
Thank you for everything! I would like to get other questions about Plan-G, but refer to another topic.
Hello and congratulations again!
Stefano  ;)

PS How can I send you the log file? .... also compressed, it has a size of 2629 kb!
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G blocked by scrips
June 28, 2010, 08:26:30 PM
Dear Tim,
the problem was solved!
As I said, Explorer was probably damaged !
Reinstalled it, everything works again ...
Thanks too ... hello!
Stefano  :D
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G blocked by scrips
June 25, 2010, 11:04:40 PM
But I think,  UAC belongs to Vista ...
I own WinXP x64!
It could depend on Internet Explorer ?
Thanks  ;)
Plan-G / Plan-G blocked by scrips
June 24, 2010, 11:29:07 PM
Dear Tim,
some days Plan-G does not work ...
I am sending you the log!
Thanks for your help!
Plan-G / Re: Starting crash of Plan-G
April 10, 2010, 09:41:16 PM
Dear friend, unfortunately we sang victory too soon!
Plan-G gives me a lot of problems starting up!
Here's a recent log file ...
The program finally works, but you need to try several times to run it!
This is the meaning of what I wrote on the topic ... "I do not understand!" ... sometimes immediately, sometimes part takes several attempts before it works!
:c017: again for your help!
Plan-G / Re: Starting crash of Plan-G
January 29, 2010, 10:16:13 PM
Dear Jschall thanks for your help !
I checked the. NET Framework 3.5 SP1, which is present!
Today, when you say, seems to work!
If I have other problems like this, I will send the log file.
I do not understand.
Thanks anyway.  ;) ;) ;)
Plan-G / Starting crash of Plan-G
January 28, 2010, 10:02:30 PM
Recently I installed the program!
Very nice and friendly but sometimes does not start properly.
Start the initial screen and then does not go ahead ... map did not appear!
What may be due to the problem?
Also when Windows (XP 64-bit version) reports that there was a mistake and either send the data to have (maybe!?) a solution, even at this stage is blocked!
Thank you all for your help!  :'(

Bye !