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Messages - AirSerpy

Hello OneBigEagle,
I have been running the same configuration as you describe since the day Win 7 came out. As long as the ip addresses are correct, the only extra step was to create an open port in the windows firewall. There is an advanced settings area that had to be configured to allow traffic. Every configuration step was exactly as per the manual except for the port settings.
Keep trying as it possible and very successful.
Plan-G / Re: Problem with W7
May 12, 2010, 02:32:28 PM
Hi vgbaron,

I am running W7 x64 with multiple monitors and have seen some of the same issues.  As long as I start Plan-G after everything has loaded and I am ready to fly, everything works great.  Interesting enough is that I set Plan-G up on an XP networked machine and connected it to my W7 machine, I still had the same problems.
Obviously we both need to be a bit more patient.   :D
