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Messages - realatp

Plan-G / Fuel
April 27, 2011, 04:42:22 PM
Any chance Plan-G would ever include fuel figures like FS Build and FSX Flight Planners do?

Thanks love the work you guys do!
Plan-G / Re: Connecting to a Network for FSX.
June 11, 2010, 12:10:10 AM
Do I have to set up any shared folders with Plan-G?. I've created the xml put it into my FSX.CFG location with my corret IP address, and everything is hooked up put it isn't findingit in the network.
In the "Options" part, where it asks for FSX I have to fill anything out in there?? Thanks, sorry to be a pain, I also dont know how to upload my xml file onto the forum.
Plan-G / Connecting to a Network for FSX.
June 09, 2010, 04:45:35 AM
My FSX Computer IP is: and I'm trying to connected via IPv4 or w/e to plan-g on a laptop. I wrote the simconnect.xml file and put MY IPs adress in it twice like I was suppose to then I moved it into the location of the FSX Config file.

I went over to my laptop and put MY FSX Compuuters IP adress and used the deafult 4506 or w/e and it will no work...what am I doing wrong?
k, but it keep saying thta no matter what I do, I try to change the terrain and zoom out and nothing works
Yep thats what shes saying. I have flown (several times) ouyt of this area with no problems. I'm running it via Simconnect, any ideas?
Plan-G / Re: Simconnect on version 9.
February 19, 2010, 10:27:41 PM
GOT IT!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the Patience man. I just flew up and down the East Coast of Australia in the IRIS DA-40 and I swear it was the best experinece I've ever had in FS. Thanks alot.
Plan-G / Re: Simconnect on version 9.
February 19, 2010, 06:34:38 PM
Now I cannot Delete Plan-G because of BeatleBlog.Simconnect.dll???? like I I screwed some up hard.
Plan-G / Re: Simconnect on version 9.
February 19, 2010, 06:28:59 PM
OMG!!!! now I', getting a CTD everytime I load Plan-G something to do with Google Earth, what the hell did I do?
Plan-G / Re: Simconnect on version 9.
February 19, 2010, 05:52:25 PM
How do I do it manually? I tried to Network it but I have no idea what I am doing. SO please tell me how to do it manually, like through a USB drive or so,mething thanks.
Plan-G / Simconnect on version 9.
February 19, 2010, 07:01:28 AM
Ok, so I've got it connected to Simconnect (and it works). I tried to run the Add Data or whatever for FSX and it says it does it but nothing shows up! How do I add data over a network PC, I mean add the FSX Data base. O ya and is there like something for the people using FTX and OZX, like points or interest or something special for Australia? Thanks. This program looks AWESOME!
everytime I click the FSX icon I get an error Error ID = 25 (null)....i think its something to do with security. So far there is no way to fix it, and I've tried everything. I cannot tell you all the stuff I did to my computer because I'm new a networking and I have been working on her all day. Now, I will probably have to do this all over again.
yep, i just kicked myself in the head
Quote from: jschall on December 27, 2009, 10:34:56 PM
Quote from: realatp on December 27, 2009, 09:54:35 PM
Glad to be of help. Enjoy Plan-G!

- Jeff

Man, I can't get into FSX anymore, I like locked it somehow. I've tried all secruity mseasures and I keep getting ID-25 error.
o man I screwed up, all my FSx icos in the folder have little locks around them saying I don't have permission to use them and I did all this secutiry crap