
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - SAPilot

Plan-G / Re: Database build skips some airports
December 09, 2010, 04:21:51 PM
Quote from: BASys on December 07, 2010, 08:49:08 PM
Hi Folks

SAPilot -
I'd understood you were trying to explain,
but I've obviously not replied clearly enough.     ;D

The only reason you have a scenery.cfg in your -
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\

Is because you
installed a scenery package
as being for - "Just Me"
rather than for - "Everyone".

If you look at that scenery.cfg
you'll find it contains only the -
- MS default entries, (duplicated from MS's repair copy of scenery.cfg, stashed in FSX root).
- Any scenery packages you'd installed as being for - "Just Me"

When I'd said -
QuoteNothing should ever be installed to -

What I was trying to say was -
QuoteNo user should ever install any FS-addon as being for - "Just Me"

Hope thats sufficiently clear now.      ;D



I think you've made your point by now, and is fully understood.
However, I still believe you did not understand what I was trying to say and not answered my question in my previous post. Sorry Tim - for the hi-jack.

Best regards
Plan-G / Re: Database build skips some airports
December 07, 2010, 05:49:19 PM

Did you know that there is a scenery.cfg file in
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX ? Go and have look.

By mistake I had that path [as above] configured in Plan-G -  and because of that , the wrong scenery.cfg was read during database build.

I was merely trying to explain what was the cause of my problem.
Plan-G / Re: DEM Files
December 06, 2010, 10:37:35 PM
Did you unzip the DEM file ?
If not, do that and place in DEM folder.
Plan-G / Re: Database build skips some airports
December 06, 2010, 10:34:29 PM
I had a similar problem. Missing one airport which is not a defult FSX airport but an add-on airport.

Changed the location of the scenery config file to :

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX

instead of

C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX

Rebuilt the database and the airport now shows.

It would appear, in my case, that the scenery config file Plan-G needs is in the  \All Users\   path.

Hope it makes sense what I am trying to explain.

Best regards
Plan-G / Re: Teaser
August 02, 2010, 11:03:31 PM
my yaw dropped .. and will not ask for a date ..
wow !! .. just getting better. Thanks Tim for all the hard work.

Plan-G / Re: FS9 online mulltiplayers
April 17, 2010, 02:05:01 PM
Quote from: rolakon on April 17, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Then a friend of mine joined the session and as soon he turned on his
transponder, I could see him on Plan-G.
Very very strange. But OK.
The same problem I saw on registration, callsign and so on.
We've checked a few things more to ensure that it was him I saw on Plan-G.
So we turned the transponder off and on several times.
It was him.
Maybe that somebody will find a solution for showing real callsign and registration.
I run Plan-G via LAN.


That is correct - it does work fine on IVAO but issue of the callsign etc. not indicated/displayed, is not a Plan-G problem. As Tim said earlier - "if it comes out of FSUIPC it would show". I made enquiries to the author of IVAP [IVAO] and it was confirmed that the callsign etc. is not "injected" from client side to FSUIPC. So, there we have it, until a change is made to IVAP - we will not have that information. But at least the MP traffic is shown for now.

Plan-G / Re: Wish list
February 08, 2010, 12:04:58 PM
On my wish list too.

Question for Tim - will it be possible ?.

Plan-G / Re: FS9 online mulltiplayers
January 25, 2010, 04:14:09 PM
Something from another website :

QuoteAIBridge reads multiplayer traffic and feeds the aircraft data into Flight Simulator's AI traffic.  FlightSim Commander then displays multiplayer aircraft in the same way as ordinary AI aircraft. If you are using a private network, you need AIBridge in order to see the other players' aircraft.
IVAO and VATSIM pilots DO NOT NEED AIBridge, since both online organizations provide a TCAS feature which has the same effect as AIBridge. In the case of IVAO make sure that the option Populate TCAS table at General/FSUIPC of the IVAP client is checked.
Hope this helps.

Plan-G / Re: FS9 online mulltiplayers
January 20, 2010, 06:37:20 PM
It does work for MP traffic on IVAO network.

Just make sure that the "Populate TCAS table"  option is on in your IVAP Configuration .

All info is displayed except for the aircraft callsign. Maybe it something for a future update ?.

Great software.

Plan-G / Re: Thanks
January 11, 2010, 09:29:01 PM
Thanks Tim !! Brilliant piece of software !!

"Much better than sliced bread, for sure "

Best regards and all the best for 2010.