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Messages - grumman

Plan-G / Networking Plan-G
January 17, 2010, 03:51:20 AM
I normally run Plan-G on the same PC as FSX and everything runs fine. But just as an experiment I tried running Plan-G on a laptop on my home network, using Simconnect with the XML file modified as per the manual. It worked well, but I found that FSX slowed down, which was the opposite of what I expected.

I have a traffic monitor (DU Meter), and it showed a constant steam of data (about 8kB/s) going to the laptop.

Any ideas?

Plan-G / Re: No csv files folder
January 16, 2010, 02:47:10 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on January 16, 2010, 01:25:34 AM
Is this on the right-hand or left-hand monitor? Are both monitors the same resolution? Which is the primary?

FSX is running in windowed mode on primary (left). Plan-G is running on secondary (right). Both monitors are same resolution (1680x1050).

Plan-G / Re: No csv files folder
January 16, 2010, 12:43:00 AM
Quote from: gkkes on January 15, 2010, 04:53:47 PM
ps As a quick aside, my Plan-G window when maximised (1280x1024) doesn't quite make the right hand side of the screen. I noticed this after closing the window behind instead of Plan-G itself.

I'm seeing the same thing (build 409). Running under Win7 RC with dual monitors, both 1680x1050, and Plan-G in the secondary monitor, when maximised it doesn't quite fill the screen. There is a narrow unfilled boundary (about 2mm) at the right and bottom. Minimising and maximising again makes no difference. Sometimes when the program closes, it leaves a white boundary line down the right and bottom of the screen. A screen refresh is needed to clear it.

Plan-G / Plan Elevation
January 15, 2010, 09:29:08 AM
I'm using the latest version (I think) 9.0.409. Brilliant software, and my thanks to Tim and the team. I have a few questions:

Regarding the Plan Elevation profile, is it possible to display current aircraft position relative to ground elevation? I gather this is presently available only after the event.

Also, I note that the elevation profile dips to sea level at the destination, irrespective of the airport elevation.

How is MEF calculated? It appears to be Lowest Safe Altitude (1000ft above highest obstacle), but the manual indicates that it is the altitude of the highest obstacle.

