
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Josedav

Plan-G / 0.8.1 Problem w/ on-screen info visibility..
December 02, 2009, 06:07:55 AM
    Using the new v0.8.1-- traffic has not appeared (same as
another thread on this forum), tried re-installing including- this time
location 0f FSX.exe, and Scenery file,(which I did not do
previously w/ v0.8.0, and it worked fine all the time) and I'm not
sure if that was the reason-- but traffic did begin to appear,
where before- the most that could be seen using v0.8.1 were
two...sometimes none at all and no listing in the traffic files.
Problem I've encountered now is clicking Plan-G on screen objects--
that will not show visibly well enough to read--for instance
clicking on an AI or Wpt before would show info, now it still
brings a small info window up, but is almost invisible and
unreadable , another example-clicking on the options window brings
the same result--- cannot be seen. All this happens when the FSX
window is up, but when minimized to the taskbar it works as it
should w/ all info visible...did not have this problem at all w/
v0.8.0--w/ FSX window up-- clicking on Plan-G onscreen objects
showed all info very well...any suggestions appreciated-- otherwise
a great piece of software..
                                   Thank you,
CPU specs:
New Intel core 2 Quad 9300 CPU 8 GB Ram
ATI Radeon HD 4650 (FSX runs very well...)