
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Col1948

Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
October 08, 2019, 07:37:23 PM
@Kronavan, Thank you, I would never have done any of that without your help and guide, it is working great now.

Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
October 06, 2019, 10:31:42 PM
 :)Great, got rid of the pink tail and got Open Street Map, well pleased now, thank you.

Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
October 06, 2019, 12:04:49 PM
Thank you both, well maybe the server has come back on I don't know but now I have Open Street Map, as for the pink trail I will have another look and report back, thanks again for the replies.

Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
October 03, 2019, 06:17:26 PM
I appreciate the latest one is in Beta, I have local street map working no problem, but on the other V3.2.1 I wonder why it doesn't work on that, what tweak in the beta got it to work?
Also I tried to turn off the pink tail but it wouldn't after numerous tries, again this might be because it's a beta version.
Still no joy with Mapbox working.
Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
October 03, 2019, 09:06:38 AM
I downloaded the experimental build to try that, it did used Open Street Map no problem but it gave an error when I tried MapBox.

Plan-G / Re: Mapbox question
September 30, 2019, 08:54:22 AM
I was on another program and that has a few map versions, I tried to use one of those but wasn't sure how.
The versions are: Bing Map,  Google Map and ArcGIS World Street Map.

Any ideas anybody?

Plan-G / Mapbox question
September 28, 2019, 11:47:06 AM
I have read the topics on Mapbox but I'm having problems getting the map to show, I'm in FSX by the way.
I input my MB ID in the first window, then the long code provided by MB in the second window, I have the Mapbox1 highlighted., I cleared cache, closed Plan-g, restarted but still get the error.

I saw one topic where it said replace the . with a / in the long code, I tried that but still got the error.
I have version in Plan-G
The code from MB is a new one because I recently logged in after a spell away, there is a public code as well, I tried using that but still no joy.

Any help appreciated.

Plan-G / Little Navmap
July 10, 2017, 12:00:53 PM
I got given a link to another similar program called Little Navmap, it is good but it seems a bit clustered on the screen, I still prefer Plan-G, but there is one feature I found good and that a smaller screen at the bottom called 'Flight Plan Elevation Profile' and it shown the horizontal flight rather than the top down view.
On this screen you could see any terrain obstacles ahead so you could climb out of danger or if the terrain got really flat you could decent to a nice altitude to make your approach if needed, plus it gave altitude levels so you could see where to climb or descend to.

My point is if this kind of thing could be implemented in Plan-g it would be a great bonus.
The standard 530.
Hi Dempsey,

Yes that is where they are.
I created a flight plan in Plan-G exported it to X-plane as a FMS file, but when I selected it I got a message saying Xplane does not recognise FMS file extension it must be sit, fdr and rep.
If I select an aircraft move it to the departure airport, click on Garmin to load the plan there nothing shows up.

The original plan created has an extension plg but like I said if I export it as an FMS it dowsn't show up in X-plane 11

Any help appreciated

Plan-G / Re: XPUIPC for X-Plane 64 bit
June 18, 2017, 07:17:25 PM
Hi Tim,
I presume the folder goes on my D drive is that correct, if not where does it go?

I thought I had it working at one point it started to build but got stuck on writing runways, it went in an endless loop.
So I started again, nothing happening yet.


Bingo!  It worked, thank you, I misread your post, I created the folder inside the Resources folder, that's what you meant sorry, just the way I read it i did it wrong.
Any way it fired up now so I'm up and running with X-Plane 11.  :D
Plan-G / Re: XPUIPC for X-Plane 64 bit
June 18, 2017, 06:36:39 AM
Hi Tim,

Log File as requested, this was after nearly an hour.


Plan-G / Re: XPUIPC for X-Plane 64 bit
June 13, 2017, 08:25:20 AM
Sorry Tim but I've been doing that all along, anyway I just tried it again, the scrolling bar started so I went for breakfast, after around 45 mins still nothing, I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, X-Plane 11, I also have FS9 and FSX and their data bases have built no problem.

Plan-G / Re: XPUIPC for X-Plane 64 bit
June 12, 2017, 08:17:19 AM
Hi Tim, I never thought of zipping it up sorry, my old age mate.  ???