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Messages - Bman.

Plan-G / .PLN to .KML Conversion
December 01, 2010, 07:49:47 PM

Amazing work, Tim.  Thanks so much for your efforts on this ongoing project.  Truly outstanding application.

Quick question - I see we can now view kmz files - that's is perfect for me since PNW, PFJ, NRM and Tongass are the only places I fly right now.

Is there any way to open a .pln or .plg file and convert it down to a .KMZ file.  It seems that PlanG can almost do it since it has the ability to read these files.  I am looking for a quick way to assemble all of my flight plans in to a nifty .kmz file.  Sort of a digital logbook of where I have been.

I am looking for a tool that can do this (Flips 1.1 use to do this but it's kind of dated and isn't working correctly for me) - do you know of a way to do this .pln to .kml conversion?


Plan-G / Re: Importing a .GPX file
August 18, 2010, 07:27:00 PM
Thanks Tim -

I didn't expect there was (as I have explored PG to the max) - more of a general question, is there any way, in any application, that any one knows if there is a way to make this conversion.

What would make it great is if AOPA would have an export to .pln for the flight simmers of the world :) 

I might have to make that suggestion.


Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
August 18, 2010, 06:39:05 PM
I have seen the ground speed way off before - this past weekend actually.  What I realized was that this person (not flying in my group) was a x2 or x4 or x16 time compression.  I though this might have been giving me the false speed reading on my end...

I will keep my eye on it tonight..
Plan-G / Importing a .GPX file
August 17, 2010, 07:18:31 PM

   Is there a way to import a .gpx file?   Ultimately I am trying to generate a .pln file from my AOPA generated plan so I can open it in PlanG and import into FSX.

   Any suggestions on how to get from .gpx to .pln?


Plan-G / Hi-Five to the first person...(SimConnect)
June 03, 2010, 06:34:01 AM me with a small issue.   I have been running simconnect like a champ for several applications - PlanG, FSMap, FSeconomy.  Here is my issue..

  If I close or (crash) FSX for any particular reason, my simconnect ports are locked / blocked which doesn't allow the applications noted above to reconnect.  I can however, reboot the FSX machine (and not the remote machine) and presto... all connects right back up.

  I have no idea why is does this or what causes these ports to remain shut down when FSX is restarted. 

   Does any one have suggestions on what to try to reopen these ports on the FSX machine without a reboot of the FSX machine?   I have tried the usual suspects - firewall off / A/V off etc...

  For fun, here is my simconnect.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">




  Perhaps something to do with the ?
  Perhaps something to do with the router security settings?

All suggestions welcome!

Thanks a lot in advance-

Plan-G / Re: Restarting SimConnect
April 11, 2010, 03:20:23 PM
Morning Tom-

Good questions..  I think you are correct on the crash...although it's not so much of a crash as it is FSX doesn't quite shut down correctly with TrackIR software.    I forget what the work around is ...I think I have to shut TIR down first...then FSX.  They may solve the problem.

Protocols - IPV4 (remote)... I think.  I am running PlanG from Laptop.

I have not turned on the simconnect logs.

I will head over to TrackIR forum and see if there is a work around for the shutdown aspect.


Plan-G / Restarting SimConnect
April 11, 2010, 06:42:38 AM
Evening all-

I have been enjoying PlanG + FSMap combination.  This gives me a lot of navigational data once I am up in the air.  I have a question..

Is there a way to force simconnect to stop? 

I have found that if I close FSX (under Win7) that it won't release simmconnect ports.  If I start another session of FSX down the road without rebooting, I cant connect.  I think that Windows is keeping the ports used by simconnect tied up.  I have set Plang G to use several ports in my XML but it won't get around full reboot of the FSX machine.   Once I reboot, all is well.

So, I am looking for a way to stop the simconnect process so it can let go of the ports..

Any one know if a way?


Plan-G / Re: SimConnect Questions - Timeout
February 28, 2010, 10:08:28 PM
Got it - Thanks for your input.  I like the idea of just listing a bank of ports to use if one won't work.

  I think you are correct.  If I don't shut down TrackIR prior to exiting FSX I will sometimes get the "Microsoft Flight Simulator has not shutdown correctly... "  I bet that is leaving the ports open.  A reboot typically does the trick but I will give the multiple port options a go.  That will work great I think...  since I can't fully figure out why FSX doesn't shut down correctly every so often.

  Is there any way to check what ports are open and closed on a PC from the local side (versus the net side tests which show everything closed outside of 80 etc. )

Thanks again-

Plan-G / Re: Printing to .PDF Corrupt
February 28, 2010, 10:03:48 PM
Ahh, I see.

Yes, I have Acrobat.  I don't really need the .pdf, I was just keeping a library of all of my flights.
It just struck me odd since I have never seen this happen when printing to a .pdf.

I will give the .xps a shot.


Plan-G / SimConnect Questions - Timeout
February 28, 2010, 07:42:03 AM
Question 1)   Is there a way to "restart" the simconnect process?  I have noticed that sometimes my connection will not work (both FSMap and PlanG) - both give me similar errors about SimConnect not configured properly / can not connect to FSX.

  I don't change anything in the SimConnect.xml and it typically works.  I can't figure out what intermittently is kicking the SimConnect out of service or at least making the systems not think FS is running.   IPs are static and access to both computers over the network are fine. 

  I thought is maybe I could restart the SimConnect process that I would retry the connections without rebooting both systems.  If I reboot both systems...connection works great.

Question 2) I have the loopback IP adapter also in the .xml in addition to the PlanG and FSMap access - is it needed?

Question 3) Should I just use "Global" to allow all of my simconnect apps to use the same port?

Question 4) I have found that if I just go and change me .xml to a different port - say 4510, it will work when 4506 doesnt.  Is there any way to tell which ports are being used?  I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden 4506 becomes occupied when nothing has changed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">





Thanks and sorry for the bombardment of questions.

Plan-G / Printing to .PDF Corrupt
February 28, 2010, 06:00:14 AM

    I am having an issue when I print to .pdf I get a bunch of gibberish on the page.  The characters are all fine.  The physical printout from my laser printer is just fine as is the preview.  Obviously Adobe doesn't know what is going on :) 

  Just wondering if anyone else can print to .pdf ok.

Plan-G / Re: SimConnect - Hurray!! with Questions
February 24, 2010, 07:31:42 PM
Schwweew - that's good.  I thought I was going to have to put on mt persuasive selling "It's the Best!" hat again. 

Plan-G / Re: SimConnect - Hurray!! with Questions
February 24, 2010, 02:00:58 PM
Ha - Look at that!  Very similar... I like the food containers  :)

The one piece I don't see in there that is must have... TrackIR   >:D
Plan-G / Re: SimConnect - Hurray!! with Questions
February 24, 2010, 02:40:55 AM
Ok - great got it.  I was kind of thrown off and had the question since the port range specifically noted in the PlanG manual was 4500 - 4510..  Got it.  If they aren't spoken (in terms of any port Win7 is using) I should be in good shape. 

Off to do some flying!  :)

Plan-G / Re: SimConnect - Hurray!! with Questions
February 23, 2010, 11:14:36 PM
Thanks Tim -

Regarding the application ports - just to verify each app does in fact have to have a separate port correct?  PlanG should be dedicated to 4506 port... FSMap should be dedicated to 4507 etc

Thanks again-