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Messages - Mr_Ski

This is my setup also i had to add pictures.
Good Day to all

I'm a 65 year old Rock Head :azn: and would like to get this working before I turn 66

For the last 3 days I have been trying to connect my every-day machine (Network machine) to my FSX machine so I can offload some of the work from the FSX machine to the network machine.

Way back when we would call this a Salve and Master setup.

The way I understand what should happen is Plan-G would get all the information form the FSX machine just as if FSX is running on the same machine with Plan-G. Then Plan-G would just do its thing as usual.

I have a number of snippets showing the entire network setup. I also have the write-up and the Plan-G manual.

I have to say that when it comes to doing things like this I'm a ROCK HEAD!!!!!! I have tried so many things that I don't remember what I did and didn't do. I think the big problem I have is that I don't know what address to use or if I have to create a new one. Also I don't know what connection to use if I have to add a new address. The last time I tried to add an address I wiped my internet connection. I'm lucky Win7 could repair it for me or I wouldn't have that on the FSX machine.

Maybe someone, after looking at my setup, can walk me through the process. It looks so easy I just can't get the address straight.

Bob Ski