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Messages - davecat

192.168.100 causes Client Plan-G to crash upon trying to connect.

Grazie mille Cristiano!

Italian American in Texas appreciates you trying to help.

What I have double checked:

Host FSX computer:

running FSX as administrator
firewall allowing FSX
microsft security essentials anti virus updated to exclude FSX
simconnect.xml in proper roaming directory

Client Laptop;

Plan G installed and running as administrator
firewall allowing Plan G
AVG anit virus excludes Plan G

Using default gateway IP address in the simconnect.xml and in Plan G.

May be time to move on....after researching what I have been reading about below.

One more topic I have read about with simconnct problems.  People report that with the many updates of FSX, come several versions of the Simconnect.dll file.  I have found three in the /windows/winsxs folder. 


Like I mentioned earlier it recommends un-install/re-install of FSX SP1 and SP2.  Then if that does not fix problem, un-install SP1 and SP2, then delete 61259 and 61242 versions of somconnect, followed by re-insatall of SP1 and SP2.

Once agian I am grasping at straws. 


Cristiano...curious what part of Italy are you located. Mio padre e crescuito a Ancona.  Forgive me as my Italian is rusty.
Have tried that.  No change.

I have been reading Avism and elsewhere.  I added firewall rules designating port 4506 for inbound and outbound on both FS host and client.  No change.  I then configured my router to open port 4506...still not connecting.

Not much more I can think of at this point.  I have read that sometimes uninstalling FSX SP1 and SP2 and reinstalling sometimes helps.  May give that a whirl, but then again I may not....

Maybe I should reset my router??

Should there be a simconnect.cfg on the client, my laptop?

What am I missing??

Disappointed Dave
Quote from: sky one on November 28, 2012, 07:31:29 AM
Your network configuration could be correct: do you have a router with IP
Find a "telnet.exe" on the Internet (in Seven Microsoft removed it), copy it on your Desktop and open a command prompt in your Plan-G PC. Write:
cd Desktop (press return)
telnet 4506 (press return again)
What is happening now? If you have a "Cannot connect" error message, there's a connect-related problem. If your command prompt do a clear screen and you can only see a blinking cursor, the connection with SimConnect is ok (close the command prompt window with the upper right "x").

Connection failed...."Could not open connection to the host, on port 4506". 

What can I try/do next?  Not sure I understood your first question regarding my router...I went to Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network Map....placing my cursor over the router symbol indicates IPv4 address as

And thanks for the help!!
I have a registered version of FSUIPC, but for this scenario (connecting from laptop over a network) wouldn't I need to also purchase FSUIPC WIDE?
I am still trying to debug.

I ran ipconfig on my FSX machine and was curious if this was causing my problem.  I am thinking it is irrelevant and that the trailing zeros are meaningless???

IPv4 address is
Default Gateway is

Both are running as Administrator. and the Firewall on my FSX PC is set to allow FSX.  It has to be something so obvious that I keep missing it.

Frustration.  Grasping at straws now.  I tried turning off Firewall...still did not connect.  Running on Empty here.  Clean install on Laptop??  Can I use uninstall from control panel, and should I delete all the data files also?
Updated to Build 50.  No joy.  Log file looks the same.  Tried IPv4 and Ipv6.  Confused now.  V2 worked like a charm.  I guess I should left it alone. :(   Miss my fav add-on!

Long time user. Long time advocate of your wonderful program.

I just finished a new PC build.  FSX SP2 insatlled running Windows 7 64 bit.  All add-ons installed so I was just attemting to get Plan-G up and running again.  It runs fine on my FSX PC.  My networked laptop has been the problem.  It also runs Windows 7 64 bit. 

I did a fresh install of Plan-G on my laptop and copied over the data files from my FSX PC.  Plan-G opens fine and uses the data files on my laptop, but I have not figured out why Simconnect is failing.

Here is the log file from the laptop and copy of my Simconnect file from the FSX PC.

17:07:13.1 Starting Plan-G, build
17:07:13.1 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
17:07:13.3 InitDataFolder
17:07:13.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
17:07:13.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
17:07:13.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
17:07:13.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
17:07:13.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
17:07:13.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
17:07:14.6 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Cynthia\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
17:07:14.8 Program in: C:\Plan G
17:07:14.8 Data in: C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files
17:07:14.8 IsDataLoaded: FSX
17:07:14.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
17:07:15.0 Starting timer
17:07:15.0 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
17:07:15.0 lTAF18Z.TXT started
17:07:15.0 Metar22Z.TXT started
17:07:15.0 Metar23Z.TXT started
17:07:15.7 sTAF00Z.TXT started
17:07:16.2 lTAF00Z.TXT started
17:07:16.7 sTAF18Z.TXT started
17:07:17.4 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
17:07:18.0 NdbsInBounds 20
17:07:18.4 VorsInBounds 11
17:07:18.8 AirportsInBounds 188
17:07:19.2 AirspaceInBounds 50
17:07:19.6 IsDataLoaded: FSX
17:07:19.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
17:07:19.6 IsDataLoaded: FS9
17:07:19.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
17:07:19.6 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
17:07:19.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Cynthia\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
17:07:19.8 NdbsInBounds 17
17:07:19.8 VorsInBounds 11
17:07:19.9 AirportsInBounds 168
17:07:20.1 AirspaceInBounds 54
17:07:20.3 NdbsInBounds 19
17:07:20.3 VorsInBounds 11
17:07:20.4 AirportsInBounds 188
17:07:20.5 AirspaceInBounds 55
17:07:20.8 Stopping timer
17:07:20.8 StartMap
17:07:20.8 NdbsInBounds 18
17:07:20.9 VorsInBounds 11
17:07:21.0 sTAF00Z.TXT done
17:07:21.0 AirportsInBounds 182
17:07:21.4 AirspaceInBounds 54
17:07:21.4 NdbsInBounds 18
17:07:21.5 VorsInBounds 11
17:07:21.5 AirportsInBounds 182
17:07:21.7 AirspaceInBounds 54
17:07:24.7 Initiating SimConnect connection.
17:07:24.7 Connect
17:07:24.7 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = Port = 4506
17:07:25.5 sTAF18Z.TXT done
17:07:29.7 SimConnect connection attempt timed out
17:07:29.7 Disconnect
17:07:30.8 Disconnected from sim
17:07:40.3 lTAF18Z.TXT done

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
August 14, 2010, 04:51:17 AM
Simconnect on a networked laptop..  Not a big deal, just thought I was doing something wrong. I can get the correct groundspeed from FSINN's radar feature.
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
August 12, 2010, 11:31:46 PM
Same issue here.  Vatsim using FSINN, all other traffic 1000+ knots goundspeed.  Has this been resolved?
Tim, corrected fine now.  Keep looking and looking.....noticed my Host computer address in the Simconnect file and Plan G didn't match perfectly.  How one got changed is beyond me. :)

Back up and running, with what I think has got to be one of the best freeware products available!

Yes, laptop is Windows 7.  Didn't change permissions....apparently was working without running Plan G as Administrator. Played around some more, made Plan G run as administrator, still same timeout error...not recognising that FSX is running on the host??  Any other thoughts?  I miss my Plan G!

Still seems to be coming back to FS9 uninstall....that is the only mod I have made system prior to this issue cropping up.
All of a sudden I am unable to connect via my networked laptop.   Have not had any problems until today.  Simconnect file is fine and in the correct directory.  Using FSX.  A snipit of log file error messasge below.....log file is huge, but this error appears throughout.  I keep getting timeout message.

The only change I have made system wise was uninstall FS9.  The first line of log file notes FS9 as installed??

8:02:34 PM FS9 is installed
8:02:34 PM FSX is installed
8:02:34 PM FSX database is built
8:02:34 PM Selected data set is FSX
8:02:38 PM Starting map
8:02:39 PM Initialisation complete.
8:02:42 PM  DEBUG: count=4
8:18:18 PM PlanG constructor
8:18:18 PM executableFolder: G:\Plan-G
8:18:22 PM Starting Plan-G, build
8:18:22 PM Selected data set is FSX
8:18:28 PM Starting map
8:18:28 PM Initialisation complete.
8:18:29 PM Initializing Jump List
8:18:29 PM Clearing progress bar
8:18:29 PM Checking PLN file registration
8:18:29 PM Error while unregistering file association: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pln\OpenWithProgIds' is denied.
8:18:29 PM Error in RegisterFileAssociations: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Plan-G' is denied.
8:18:29 PM Error initialising Jump List: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Plan_G.PlanG.CheckFileRegistration()
   at Plan_G.PlanG.InitialiseJumpList()
8:18:34 PM  DEBUG: count=8
8:18:42 PM  DEBUG: count=3
8:19:17 PM  DEBUG: count=3
8:19:26 PM  DEBUG: count=8
8:20:40 PM  DEBUG: count=1

Hope you can help,

Plan-G / WOW !!
February 25, 2010, 03:19:18 AM
I Large TEXAS Thank You for one sweet add-on.  I run Vista-32 machine with FSX and had no problems creating the simconnect.xml file , and running on a networked laptop.  Logged on VATSIM....and traffic appeared as promised.  This with GTX,UTX, and FS Genesis really makes my sim even more enjoyable. 

Awesome stuff!  Dave, Houston.