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Messages - Sherman M. Kaplan

Thanks, Tim...I appreciate the personal attention you always give to users...

Sherm  :)
I have looked through the manual, put have found no information on how to import the trail files. What is the procedure? Thanks...

The Reporting Point / Re: [KMZ] OXz KMZ file links
July 17, 2011, 11:31:48 AM
Orbx has just released the Central Cocky Mountains. Here is the link for the kmz, so that you can bring it up in Plan G

Plan-G / Re: Script error
January 30, 2011, 11:27:22 PM
I have had similar issues. I hope someone has an answer.

Plan-G / Re: No USA VORs
October 13, 2010, 10:40:48 PM
Tim and others,
This is an interesting coincidence. I posted a similar problem (Many missing VORs) today at flightsim, with a note that I was also going to post at this forum when home from work. So, here I am, about to post, and this is the first post on the current forum list. I also replaced with your PG.mdb and that seems to have solved the problem. BTW, this is not a new issue with me. It has been evident for some time. But, for one reason or another, I did not take the time to raise the issue, until today. All seems well. Again, thanks.

Plan-G / Re: mouse click issue
April 28, 2010, 05:17:34 PM
I'm at work now, but will have a grater sense of whether my move of the bootup icon to the 2nd screen, forcing initial bootup there will make the permanent difference. I have had some flights in which everything starts out fine, but somewhere in the duration, the mouse clicks simply do not work on the VC...
so, I'll have what I hope will be some definitive information then...

btw, now that I think of it, I sometimes get a popup warning about a .net problem...though i cannot define a pattern or whether it is even related to Plan G. as you say, all very strange...but, I look at the hobby kind of like a giant Rubick cube, just waiting for a problem to be solved...:-)

Plan-G / Re: mouse click issue
April 28, 2010, 12:59:13 PM
I think we cross posted....:-)...please see my edited repy...thanks...

Plan-G / Re: mouse click issue
April 28, 2010, 11:38:08 AM
thanks, Tim...but my setup is as you recommend, with Plan G on my Right or 2nd monitor. I do notice, however, that Plan G boots on my main screen. So, I moved the start icon to the 2nd, booted up from there and then booted an initial test, (only a few minutes because I do have to work...:-)), the click spots worked as they should. I will be able to fly and test for a longer period later today...and if there is a further problem, I will let you know. But, this appears to have cured things...  :)

Again, thanks for your effort and for one of the best add on programs for our hobby.

Plan-G / mouse click issue
April 28, 2010, 12:12:51 AM
I run Plan G on a separate, but not networked other words, two screens, one computer. Lately, I have not been able to use mouse clicks to change settings on any virtual cockpit panel. It works fine on the 2D panels...I'm not sure whether there is a conflict somewhere or this is an unconnected issue, but it only happens after Plan G is booted. Any help and  advice is appreciated. Thanks...

Plan-G / Re: never had a problem before v9
January 12, 2010, 10:56:55 PM
I also hd a connect problem until reading about the Port set to 0. that did it...again, Tim...thanks for a great program!

Plan-G / Re: .netframework error
November 23, 2009, 12:07:55 AM
Here is my simconnect.cfg


Tim, you mean I should eliminate as my default IP address?
And, Jeff....I am not sure where to find global\options\fsconnection

Sorry to put you guys to all this trouble....I do appreciate your time... and knowledge

Plan-G / Re: .netframework error
November 22, 2009, 11:52:11 PM
thanks, Tim...this is getting a little beyond my computer knowledge...I want to be very careful before changing anything. I  know that simconnect can be very touchy...but, if I feel gutsy enough....where do I find the text string to change?

Plan-G / Re: .netframework error
November 22, 2009, 06:07:43 PM
Here is the first section of the plan-g log

7:27:15 AM FSX is installed
7:27:15 AM FSX database is built
7:27:15 AM Selected data set is FSX
7:27:18 AM Starting map
7:27:19 AM Initialisation complete.
7:28:53 AM Opening RecentFileList: C:\Documents and Settings\Sherman M. Kaplan\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\VFR Menorca to BIARRITZ (341 KHz).pln
7:28:53 AM Opening Flight Plan
7:28:53 AM NodeList Item#0 Descr
7:28:53 AM NodeList Item#1 FlightPlan.FlightPlan
7:28:53 AM Waypoint = AirportN39° 51' 45.350769",E4° 13' 7.129855",+000295.00LEMH
7:28:53 AM Waypoint = NDBN41° 31' 9.76018",E2° 6' 10.979655",+000475.00LESBD
7:28:53 AM Waypoint = NDBN42° 13' 56.050424",E1° 24' 12.67024",+004028.00LESEO
7:28:53 AM Waypoint = NDBN43° 17' 18.199988",E0° 2' 58.699493",+001259.00LFTL
7:28:53 AM Waypoint = NDBN43° 28' 13.900716",W1° 24' 13.299487",+000242.00LFBZ
7:28:54 AM MEF Metres = 500 Feet = 1640 Rounded == 1700

7:28:54 AM MEF Metres = 1051 Feet = 3448 Rounded == 3500

7:28:54 AM MEF Metres = 3276 Feet = 10747 Rounded == 10800

7:28:54 AM MEF Metres = 3276 Feet = 10747 Rounded == 10800

7:28:54 AM CalculateRoute took 0.953 seconds
7:28:54 AM Drawing Flight Plan
7:28:54 AM DisplayFlightPlanDetail. MoveMap = True
7:28:54 AM Building lat/lon string for script
7:28:54 AM lats= 39.8625974357128   41.5193778276443   42.2322362288833   43.2883888855577   43.4705279767513
7:28:54 AM lngs= 4.21864718198776   2.10304990410805   1.40351951122284   0.0496387481689453   -1.40369430184364
7:28:56 AM Setting window title
7:28:56 AM Setting VFR/IFR flag
7:28:56 AM Checking plan weather (FSX only)
7:28:56 AM UpdatePlanWeather testing IsConnected
7:29:59 AM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
7:29:59 AM SimConnect.Connect
7:29:59 AM SimConnect.Connect - local
7:30:01 AM SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Pipe Connection Failed ---> System.IO.IOException: The network path was not found.

   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(Int32 timeout)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.OpenCommon(String strAppName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, String strPipeName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName)
   at FS._SimConnect.Connect()
7:30:01 AM FSUIPC.Connect
7:30:02 AM Nearest WX to LAT 0 LON 0:
7:30:02 AM RequestWeatherAt: LEMH
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:02 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM WX at LEMH:
7:30:03 AM RequestWeatherAt: SBD
7:30:03 AM Waiting
7:30:03 AM Waiting
Plan-G / Re: .netframework error
November 22, 2009, 02:32:23 PM
hi Tim....I am inclined to think that this issue is related to Plan-G and FSINN operating simultaneously. I just finished a flight using PLan-G...buit, I was not on FSINN...and there was no netframe work issue.
I have not checked the log...and have my event log disabled in XP Home...thanks for your attention...great program!

Plan-G / .netframework error
November 22, 2009, 01:19:59 PM
First, let me say thank you for an excellent addon for our hobby.

I have the latest version of Plan-G and connect to fsx via FSUIPC VERSION

Every now and again I get the following pop up message while connected and in flight:
An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will be shut down immediately.

I click on the "continue button" and everything is fine, though the popup may occur again.
This seems to happen when I am flying MP using FSINN and Copilot.
I suppose I can simply delete and reinstall the net framework modules (I have the latest 3.5 SP1), but is there something else that might be involved. Thanks for your help....again, great product.
