
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - f16jockey

Plan-G / Re: Cannot finish build database
December 06, 2014, 08:49:13 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on October 25, 2014, 09:24:07 AM
Anyone else on Windows 8.1, with or without this problem?

Bringing this thread back to life, as I still couldn't solve the Windows 8.1 problem.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot finish build database
October 23, 2014, 11:53:01 PM
Hi there,

included the log file. IMO the most significant message is at 17:58:18. As my Windows is in dutch, I already ran it through Google translate for you.

17: 58: 18.0 BuildDatabase_Executed: System.ArgumentException: The specified store provider is not found in the configuration or is not valid. ---> System.ArgumentException: Can not find the requested NET Framework data provider. It may not be installed.

As it mentions .NET Framework, I checked that. According to the reg, the version installed is v4.5.1 for Windows 8.1 (see pic).

Hope this helps.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot finish build database
October 22, 2014, 07:53:47 PM

I have the same problem.
When rebuilding the FSX database, the program comes to "Writing 71804 airways", then the pop-up window grays out and Plan G stays that way (see pic).
Probably forever, but I've only waited for some 15 minutes.

Only options are to close the window and to close Plan-G, after restarting the program remains in "Data - Build Database" status (see pic).
I'm running Plan-G v3.1.94 currently, but v3.0.3.56 (which accidentally remained on my computer) does exactly the same.

I still have v2.0.5.493 on my system as well, but that one has a clearly incomplete database. Doesn't know are airports for example... Probably uses same database as v3 ?

I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit. Plan-G is installed outside the "feared" C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) folders. On another drive in fact.
Windows should be up-to-date via automated Windows Update.

I suspected some recently installed scenery, removed those without result. In fact Plan-G does the same when building the FS9/FS2004 database (except the number of Airways is different), and that's a program I don't use anymore since over a year...

I definitely have no idea what could cause this, as I didn't change anything substantial since I last updated the database some 5 days ago (except the Plan-G update, which - as explained above - can't cause the problem IMO).

Any suggestions ?

P.S. I would attach the log file as well, but I have no idea on how to create it and/or where to find it...
Plan-G / Re: FSX moves NDB to the equator ???
April 04, 2011, 02:51:55 PM
Hi Tim,

digged up this old thread to mention the 60.00" thingy is solved for the navaids, but still exists for some airports.
Badly placed airports by FSX, I agree. Try FLKS for example.

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G PATCH doesn´t work
March 19, 2011, 08:47:41 PM
No problems whatsoever with the patch over here...

Plan-G / Re: FSX moves NDB to the equator ???
March 16, 2011, 09:50:22 AM
Hi again,

installed the new version 2.05 yesterday. Thanks for the update.
Looks like the above problem is only partially solved, OR another little bug sneaked into it (I think the latter).

These are parts of the PLN-file made by Plan-G which I try to load into FSX

        <DestinationLLA>N13° 3' 60.00",E42° 37' 60.00",+000045.00</DestinationLLA>
        <ATCWaypoint id="SB">
            <WorldPosition>N13° 3' 60.00",E42° 38' 48.00",+000121.00</WorldPosition>
        <ATCWaypoint id="HHSB">
            <WorldPosition>N13° 3' 60.00",E42° 37' 60.00",+000045.00</WorldPosition>

Looks like FSX doesn't like the 60.00" entries, and moves those latitudes/longitudes to equator/greenwich.

Replacing the 60.00" with 59.99", OR replacing with 00.00" and adding 1 to the minute part fixes the plan for FSX, so no big deal.
[EDIT]The second option is the most correct one btw.

Best regards,


Plan-G / Re: FSX moves NDB to the equator ???
February 19, 2011, 07:43:34 PM
No problem Mr. Arnot.

Solved it already by deleting the faulty NDB in FSX and rubberbanding the route to the correct location of the NDB.
I stead of posting these silly Q's I should congratulate you with yr magnificent program.

Best regards,
Plan-G / FSX moves NDB to the equator ???
February 19, 2011, 11:52:40 AM
Very strange problem...

made a very simple plan, just two NDB's and two additional waypoints for climb/descent info

When loading the plan into FSX, looks like the latitude of the first NDB has been put to 0°, so it's been moved North on the equator.
Hope the pics are clear...

It's really the first time I see something like this, so maybe something wrong with that particular NDB ?
Have attached the flightplans.


Here's the plan. Reworked it a bit (started from scratch), you'll see I was able to use both VIW and OZE VORs for Xref.
When opening it again I only get Austrian VORs to select.

To be honest, I have this problem with ALL my saved flightplans (then with the other country of departure of course).
I'm running Windows Vista as an admin btw.

Thnx for the reply. Seems a bit strange indeed nobody has pointed this out yet.

Looked a bit further into this.
Seems like I only have the limited selection of navaids when I reload a PLG-file for modification (when wanting to add a "forgotten" Xref).
When starting a plan everything works OK.

Don't know if this is a built in feature/limitation, or me doing something wrong.

Planning VFR LOWK Klagenfurt (Austria) to LIPB Bolzano (Italy).
When trying to set up cross references for some key wpts, the program only suggests me VOR/NDBs in Austria (LO).
This is OK for the start of the flight, but near the end I need bearing/distance to a VOR in Italy (LI).

When trying to type OZE for the Bolzano VOR in the selection box, I get an empty screen.

Any suggestions ?

Plan-G / Re: <PrtScr> doesn't work in PlanG 2.0
December 11, 2010, 01:06:57 PM
Thnx for the replies.

For I don't know what reason (as everything worked OK) I had changed the PlanG shortcut to be "Run as administrator".
Now I've unchecked that option, and the PrtScr key works again.
Running Vista 32bit.

Plan-G / <PrtScr> doesn't work in PlanG 2.0
December 09, 2010, 02:51:11 PM
For some strange reason, the Print Screen key doesn't work anymore in V 2.0 (it did in V 0.9).
I use that key for a screen capture background program.

Any ideas ?

Plan-G / Re: Help - magnetic variation
December 04, 2010, 12:03:20 PM
Quote from: trisager on November 30, 2010, 09:49:26 AM
I'm no expert, but it does look like the waypoints that are added using the "Edit" button and moved around using the little square do not handle magnetic variation correctly?

Not an expert either, but I have the same problem.

First I have a straight line/curve between a VOR and an NDB (+/- 35° M).

When inserting a user waypoint wpt8 in edit mode, the magnetic bearings get messsed up.
