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Messages - FlyCivil

Plan-G / Re: P3Dv4 problem building database
April 30, 2018, 12:55:32 PM
I now appear to have control and communication between the main computer and the laptop with copied over P3D database.  Not sure what I did to facilitate it though!

I am able to build the database for FSX  on the laptop from data on the main but cannot do the same with P3D. 
Not yet tried XPlane.

Plan-G / Re: P3Dv4 problem building database
April 29, 2018, 11:53:37 AM
I have built the database on the main computer and transferred it to the laptop.
I can make a connection using FSUIPC and see the maps with my plane positioned at the start point.  The plane however is not tracked so just stays at the start of the runway.  I have not yet been able to connect using Simconnect despite (I believe) following the manual.

Any help?
Plan-G / P3Dv4 problem building database
April 27, 2018, 05:06:23 PM
I have P3Dv4 running on a mainframe togethr with all scenery and the scenery.cfg file with PlanG on a laptop just installed. (Tim re the previous issue I reported I had to wipe the laptop and reinstall Plan G to get it to start up).   

I am able to Build a database for FSX across the network but not for P3Dv4.  On P3Dv4 the build runs for 1 second or so only.

The log states
6:49:16.1 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.1 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.1 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.1 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.1 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.2 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.2 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.2 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.2 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)
16:49:16.2 <.ctor>b__0_0: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has been closed.
   at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   at Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0_0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)

The log them says

16:49:33.4 Scanning Scenery.cfg (\\WINDOWS-10\Prepar3D v4\Scenery.cfg)
16:49:33.9 Index: 190 Active: TRUE Title: \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS
16:49:33.9 Scanning folder 190: \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS
16:49:33.9 Directory error: Could not find a part of the path '\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery'.

for each and every scenery entry. although the address is correct.

I tried modifying the .cfg by adding the full address to the scenery but it made no difference.

Anyone any advice?

Plan-G / Re: Unable to load into laptop
February 18, 2018, 09:12:36 AM
Thanks for this information.  I have followed the instructions to the letter but it hs not worked.  I note however that the event log calls for the use of LOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19).  This reference does not appear in the options for access permissions under the Runtime Broker.  That has a different SID reference.  I will once again try to fully uninstall Plan-G and then try again.  I am not sure  if it safe to delete the Runtime Broker as I believe this is a vital W10 file.  I will also compare with my computer on which it does work.  If I find anything I will let you know.

Plan-G / Re: Unable to load into laptop
February 14, 2018, 03:43:39 PM
Here is another more understadable (possibly) printout that someone might get a clue from.  If so I would be delighted to hear.
I have tried turning off all security programmes and that makes no diffeence either.


Plan-G / Re: Unable to load into laptop
February 14, 2018, 03:29:22 PM
This is the event log that indicates the issue is solvable but I have no idea how!  Anyone understand this?
Plan-G / Re: Unable to load into laptop
February 14, 2018, 08:47:33 AM
Tried and made no difference!
Plan-G / Re: Unable to load into laptop
February 13, 2018, 02:42:42 PM
Set up does run.  It is when set up tries to start the programme that the window opens with the top bar and freezes.  The same thing happens when I click on the shortcut or try to start from the file iteslf.

It will however start in Safe Mode however that is not a lot of use.  I have tried compatability modes and nothing changes the situation.  Any other thoughts?
Plan-G / Unable to load into laptop
February 11, 2018, 11:49:52 AM
I have Plan G working on my mainframe but wish to use it on my Lenovo ideapad 500 laptop with W10.  I have downloaded it but it will not open correctly.  It puts up the frame only of the opening screen and freezes with no data within the frame - see attachment. Downloaded version  I have tried it with no security devices or firealls and that makes no difference.  I do have on board.  Any ideas
Fly Civil
Plan-G / Unable to open new download
November 10, 2017, 08:04:53 AM
I have downloaded and installed PlanG on a Lenovo Ideapad 500 laptop - i7 with 12GB & 64bit Windows 10 home.  The installation appeared to go correctly.  I have dotnet installed above the minimum level for  PlanG 3.2 (so the m/c tells me).

When I open Plan G I receive three blank windows, the main window plus two smaller ones with Information & Flight Plan in the title bar but everything else blank.

I have sucessfully installed this on my main computer.

Any ideas?
