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Messages - romoni

Plan-G / Re: J Allard Airport Diagrams
July 31, 2014, 10:53:54 AM
Quote from: allardjd on July 31, 2014, 07:36:47 AM
There's a glitch but it's an easy workaround - Plan-G expects to find that text file as a "marker" that it's in the right place but doesn't use it for anything. Create any old text file with anything or nothing at all in it, name it AllardJD_Readme.txt and put it with the diagrams and Plan-G will be happy.

The text files you are finding when unzipping the country bundles (they'll have the same file name as the zip file but the txt extension) are just documenting what's in the zip file and the update history, etc.  They're mainly a tool for me; Plan-G doesn't need them and if you don't, you can delete them if you wish.  They don't hurt anything by being there, but deleting them won't cause any problems either.

Once Plan-G knows where my files are, right clicking on an airport which has one will have a "Charts" pad on the flyout.  Click that and you'll get another flyout with the name(s) of the applicable file(s) for that airport. 

John Allard

That was the trick - I made empty AllardJD_Readme.txt and now all works very well. I tryed hard to found some information this Readme.txt file via Google but nothing found.

Thank You all!

Plan-G / J Allard Airport Diagrams
July 29, 2014, 05:55:14 PM

At first - thank You this very nice product called Plan-G. It's very useable and very good program.

I have a small problem with those J Allard airport charts. I downloaded Papua New Guinea Bundle pack from Muttley's Hangar and after that I made a Charts folder and extracted them to this folder.

Path is C:\Documents & Settings\ Plan G Files\Charts but I can't see any chart as I open Plan G - only those that are default.

If I try to set a path to via Option -> Location -> J Allard Charts I can't to do that. Browser try search file called AllardJD_Readme.txt and I can't use any other file form. Very odd...

I use FSX - Windows 7 64 bit.  FSX and Plan G are on the same computer.

Any ideas?
