
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - yallu

I didn't find one so... I'd like to see a button on Map tab that would clear all selections from all zoom levels (airports, navaids, airspace, user wps). Currently I have to go clear them manually from each zoom level. The way I use Plan-G is I just enable whatever minimum layers I need and the defaults are generally too much causing constant script warnings. Just a little helper tool, any chance? :)
As my first post, first of all, excellent tool, thank you dearly :).

And now to the feature request... :)

It would be cool, for example, to be able to create a plugin that would scan one's FS9/FSX installation, read SIDs/STARs from it and when selected, show any of those on the map as part of the route. Someone could create a plugin for LDS procedures, another guy for PMDG etc. etc.

This is where pretty much every other route builder fails. You plan the perfect route and spawn the plane only to notice that your plane's procedures have just been outdated and don't inlude the planned SID or STAR...

That's just one plugin idea. Mayby there's more? Or is this too much to ask?