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Messages - WinstonWolf

Hello ,

This is the File which is created by ProATC . It is normaly in the P3D Flightplan Format .
Here you can see a Screenshot from the P3D Flightplaner when i load this Plan to P3D Flightplaner.
As you can see there all is correct .

You see two other Pictures . One shows the content of the Flightplan File . You can see the Coordinates from this Intersection . I put this Coordinates in Google Maps Search and i am in France .

This point from the Flightplan is on the correct Place. I dont know what PlanG does with the Coordinates : N43° 40' 45.00",E7° 32' 43.00 ?!?


Hello ,

Sorry - Here is the Fligthplan.

Here you can see a Flightplan from LOWS to LFMN .

The Intersection D0531 is totally wrong.

And this happens on every Flightplan . I let create the Flightplans from ProATC .

Every Flightplan from P3Dv4 i was loaded in PlanG has wrong Intersections or Airways.
Then on the PlanG Map i see on my Flightplan an IS or an Airway far away from my Flightplan , then i must first delete this wrong entries .

What is the reason for this ?
