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Messages - rossb

Plan-G / Re: Simcoonect Again
November 02, 2009, 03:34:11 PM
Hi Tim,

No they weren't initially, but I have subsequently had them all running together (REX Weather Engine, STB and Plan-G)


Plan-G / Re: Simcoonect Again
November 02, 2009, 02:34:45 PM
Hi Tim,

Apologies, I should RTFM!! I made an assumption and it was wrong!  :) Thank you all seems well now.

Plan-G / Re: Simcoonect Again
November 02, 2009, 11:44:01 AM
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the response. strange thing is I am using IPV4 and not using Netbios to connect. See simconnect.cfg below (from My Documents have also dumped this file in the Plan G directory to no avail).


I am running FSX Acceleration on Vista x64 SP2 English

Other simconnect apps are Super traffic Board and REX, I have a registered version of FSUIPC installed also. No other software running at the same time as FSX apart from REX weather engine and STB on the remote machine.


Plan-G / Simcoonect Again
November 02, 2009, 10:30:49 AM

I wonder if anyone can help. I am a new Plan G user and am trying to run it across the network. I have a drive mapped and have created the DB etc, but every time I try and connect I get the following error in the ErrorLog:

10:27:25 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
10:27:25 SimConnect.Connect
10:27:25 SimConnect.Connect - local
10:27:25 SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Pipe Connection Failed ---> System.IO.IOException: You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again.

   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(Int32 timeout)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.OpenCommon(String strAppName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, String strPipeName)
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName)
   at FS._SimConnect.Connect()
10:27:25 FSUIPC.Connect
10:27:25 Error opening FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #2: FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS. Cannot find FSUIPC or WideFS running on this machine.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(FlightSim RequiredFlightSimVersion)
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open()
   at FS.FSUIPC.Connect()

I know the duplicate name message ois a red herring as there are no duplicate machine names on my LAN. also I have two other apps running via simconnect (STB and REX) with no issues.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

