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Messages - J van E

Plan-G / Re: AB...?
May 01, 2018, 07:18:56 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on April 30, 2018, 07:50:34 PM
Yes on both counts :)
Ok, thanks!  :)
Plan-G / AB...?
April 28, 2018, 03:11:09 PM
I've been wondering what AB means at those airports which usually are shown as red on the map... Does AB stand for AirBase or something? And are those airports (also) used for military? Just curious.
I need to create a new database for Plan-G because I installed FSAerodata. However, Plan-G is completely stuck in scanning the FSAerodata folder...

What am I doing wrong? Plan-G is compatible with FSAerodata, right?

After force quitting Plan-G it showed a message that was in the background, something about that it's not possible to have the same entry in two places...?

Restarted the entire process again and although it took a LOT longer than without fsAerodata installed all seems to be fine now... Odd.
Plan-G / Re: How to disable popups
October 22, 2017, 12:24:55 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on October 21, 2017, 02:14:09 PM
Options -> User Aircraft -> Show Waypoint Alerts
Totally missed that and totally awesome! Thanks!  :)

In addition I also turned off Sounds > Play sounds and now all is utterly awesome.  8)
Plan-G / How to disable popups
October 21, 2017, 01:42:51 PM
Since a few days I am using Plan-G also as a moving map, just so I know which cities I am flying over. Makes me more aware of where I am flying and makes things more real. However, since doing this I frequently get a popup message in P3D that I am getting close to a waypoint or that I am at it. Or whatever. I don't want that... Is there a way to disable those popups? If not I will have to look for another moving map.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G and X-Plane 11
December 17, 2016, 01:17:07 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on December 16, 2016, 07:12:02 PM
11 has a completely new data format, and it won't be supported until I've added support for it (IYSWIM). Meantime, keep your 10 databases.

I won't know what the problem is with user waypoints until I have a copy of 11 to check.
Good news, it's odd but I gave it another try today and now my user waypoints show up perfectly in XP11. And that's in a plan created with the P3D database because I don't have XP10. Again, odd but great it works now. I only use Plan-G for creating plans and don't need it to be connected to the sim.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G and X-Plane 11
December 16, 2016, 03:48:40 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on December 14, 2016, 05:01:07 PM
The navigation database is pretty much independent of the sim. You'll see some placement differences between X-Plane and FSX (plus a bunch of airports one or the other doesn't have), but it'll "work" just fine.

The problem I am having in XP11 is that manually created points (which you drag with the mouse in edit mode) show up completely wrong in XP11. I am working with the P3D database because I don't have XP10. Creating a plan from A to B works fine using the P3D database and exporting it to XP11. But I would LOVE to be able to use manually created points (so I can plot a flight through valleys).
Plan-G / Re: No airfields at zoom 200 km...?
November 03, 2014, 06:20:32 PM
Cool, thanks! I have to add though that after changing the settings, I understand why you chose other defaults...  ::) ;)
Plan-G / No airfields at zoom 200 km...?
November 01, 2014, 12:30:19 PM
I just installed the latest version on a fresh copy of Windows 8.1 and I noticed I don't see any airports at ALL when zoom is at 200 km. At 50 km I only see the largest airports and I have to zoom in all the way to see smaller airports. This is slightly a bummer because I want to plan flights from medium to medium airports over longer ranges but I can't get this done without zooming in and out all the time...

Is it somehow possible to show airports at at LEAST 100 km zoom? 250 km would be even better because then I can actually see airports I want to fly from and to on one screen!
Plan-G / Re: Install Probs with Plan-G and P3D V2.2
July 11, 2014, 01:25:21 PM
Another request for the beta! I have the exact same problem and really can't do without Plan-G!  ;)

Never mind! Copying the P3D database file over the FSX one did the trick indeed!
I use KMZ's to make sure I am planning flights within FTX regions. However, when I load those KMZ's I get lots of icons etc. which I don't want because thay completely clutter up the map. Is there an easy way to only show the borders of the regions? Using the P and M radio buttons didn't give me what I want. Or is the only way to solve this to create my own KMZ's? I tried to do so but failed miserably (after spending hours on it).
Plan-G / Re: Just to be sure: v2 or v3 with P3D 2.0
December 11, 2013, 06:21:48 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on December 08, 2013, 09:43:51 PM

Thanks! (Boy, do I feel stupid...  ::) ;) )
Plan-G / Just to be sure: v2 or v3 with P3D 2.0
December 07, 2013, 09:22:42 PM
I reinstalled my entire PC and now only have P3D 2.0 running.

1. I understand that v2, which I always kept on using, doesn't work anymore. If that is so: it seems v3 does still work and will do so in the foreseeable future? In that case I won't install v2 (I like to keep my system clean) and go to v3 directly.

2. Is the information in this topic applicable to P3D 2.0? Since I don't have FSX installed (and don't have a backup of the old database) I really need the option to create a new database! If v3 is not compatible with P3D 2.0, I will have to look for another planner. Plan-G is the best for VFR so I would like to keep on using it!

In case it might make a difference: I ONLY use Plan-G to create plans: after creating and saving them, I quite Plan-G and start my sim. So I don't need Plan-G to be connected with P3D 2.0: I only need to be able to create a database and after that to create and save plans.

So I decided to give it a try and yes, it works! But... I can't save the plans as PLN for FSX/P3D!!! Is there anyway I can enable that option? Without an option to save the plan as an PLN, it's not much use, of course.  ;)
Plan-G / Cross reference don't show actual radial?
August 17, 2012, 04:07:46 PM
Todat I discovered the cross reference option in v2 (thanks to reading the v3 manual  ;) ). However, I noticed that the information I get, isn't exact. Or not what I expected.  ;) I did a cross reference from the YXS VOR to CAH5 and it showed me I should fly on the 277 radial and the distance should be 132,4 nm. However, after doing the flight and missing the airport completely, I used the new radial option in v3 and that one showed me I had to be on the 284 or 285 radial. In the end the airport was somewhere on the 283 radial in FSX... ;)

Now I wonder where that difference between 277 and 284 comes from. Is there some way I can calculate this? I have to add that the distance to the VOR on CAH5 is 131 nm so quite a lot so even a small difference in the radial to use would get me lost. Maybe I should be using VOR for triangulation when the distances are above a certain amount?
Plan-G / Re: Creating KML?
August 07, 2012, 05:07:15 PM
Yes! Removing the space did the trick! Odd because you didn't have to that but now I see my red line! Thanks for the help!!!  :)