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Messages - ArnyLitheman

Plan-G / Re: Continued Wish List
April 15, 2010, 11:49:44 AM
Wishlist...o.k.! :)

What about changeable colour-settings of the window? I run Plan-G (an inalienable tool to me in the meantime) in a MM-setup and the light and bright blue doesn't match as good as a dark gray, black or silver for example. Would it be difficult to build in a feature like this?
Plan-G / Re: Wish list
March 20, 2010, 04:59:09 PM
Hi there,

I just asked it there, is there a way to change the position of the message (maybe in a .ini or something like that) for that it doesn't interact with the neighbour on a secend monitor:
Plan-G / Re: WOW !!
March 18, 2010, 09:20:47 PM
Hi there,

yes it is a fantastic tool...I really appreciate your work, too, Tim!!!

From the moment I first used it the FSC with its C64-Look vanished into the Nirvana of c:  ;D

The program works fine and the manual is one of the best, too, just in case it's needed. Seldom in this self explaining and logical software. But I got a question about the popping up messages (waypoint reaching etc.) and its placing on a 2-monitor-setup:

Like you can see the message appears on the second (or first) monitor and because it's the 100FPS PM-cockpit the message flickers very much there. Can I move this message at any other place?

Best regards from Germany
Arny Litheman