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Messages - zl2bmh

Plan-G / Re: 2 questions pse
April 25, 2017, 08:36:36 AM
Yep, your'e right.  Just put them on there and came back to scrub this one but you had already replied

Thanks, Jim.
Plan-G / 2 questions pse
April 25, 2017, 06:18:02 AM
Hello All.

I apologise for asking 2 simple question.  Call it a very Senior moment but I really cannot recall, it's extremely frustrating believe me.

1.  I have the registered version of FSUIPC which I got last year.  As my computer crashed, I lost my hard drive.  I have the registration number of that FSUIPC, can I download it again and use the numbers I was given then?  If not could you please give me a fresh registration.

2.  As a replacement I bought a new computer with SSD drive. Then split it with a C:\ drive where rubbish goes and a D:\ where my games are including FSX.  Which folder should I put FSUIPC into.  Again I apologise as I know everybody else will know, but it eludes me.


Cockpit Chatter / Re: 32 Blue Rectangles!
April 25, 2017, 05:00:13 AM
Just a HU.  I made a post yesterday the 24th April as I had 'red' rectangles with the same written inside every square.

I fixed mine by changing where I had installed it.  I had SSD and should have installed it there but installed it in the C:\
folder instead.  Once installed in the SSD drive where FSX is (D:\) there was no more problem.

Just my pennies worth anyway.
Plan-G / Re: Neat red squares all over any page
April 25, 2017, 04:08:50 AM
Problem Solved:

A trap for young players.  If you have this problem, make sure you are putting Plan-G into the correct directory (folder) especially if you have changed to SSD, and have divided it into 2 drives.

Hope this helps.
Plan-G / Neat red squares all over any page
April 24, 2017, 05:22:16 AM
Hello All.

I tried to re-install Plan-g today but keep getting these neat red squares with "the remote name could not be
resolved.  Otile3."  I have no idea what it refers to, not that it matters.  What does matter however, is how do I get rid of them.

Running FSX SE, with new 'games computer' with SSD.

It has installed previously, but because of an issue it was accidentley removed.

Regards, Jim. :(
Plan-G / For to be administrator
December 13, 2016, 06:08:30 AM
It wasn't until I watched a video on installing FSUIPC with FSX that I realized
I didn't click on administrator.  The video says you must do this action.

Does it really matter if I didn't.

Jim zl2bmh.
Plan-G / Re: FS connection
December 11, 2016, 12:06:10 AM
Dear Tim.

As mentioned in my earlier post today, I do struggle sometimes with the obvious.  It's a mixture of old father time, illness and very strong medication, so please forgive me for not understanding the obvious.  These past 4 years I've been away from FSX and Plan-G, it's so hard remembering it all again.

Oh, to be young and fit again.

Jim zl2bmh
Plan-G / FS connection
December 10, 2016, 07:21:54 AM

I have the registered version of FSUIPC plus FSX as well as the internet.

So under File/Options/FS Connection,  do I fill out the box which says SimConnect/ network mode FSX computer?
as it doesn't mention FSUIPC.

Jim zl2bmh.

Plan-G / How to view on VDU
December 10, 2016, 03:05:54 AM
Hello All.

I have downloaded Plan-G, completed the build, got the registered version of FSUIPC  it shows on the menu bar after FSX has done it's thing, now I want to view it on my one VDU, but how. I knew once, but I'm sad to say I have forgotten as it was 4 years ago.

I would be very grateful for any reply.
Jim zl2bmh
Plan-G / Re: Help with re-connecting noggin
December 08, 2016, 02:18:25 AM


Jim zl2bmh
Plan-G / Re: Further to my post below
December 08, 2016, 02:17:14 AM


Jim zl2bmh
Plan-G / Further to my post below
December 07, 2016, 04:00:52 AM
I should have mentioned in my previous post today that I have read the manual but still fail to understand how they connect. it is on one
computer, I have the internet.  I have tried auto as per the manual, but it does show as being connected.
Jim, zl2bmh
Plan-G / Help with re-connecting noggin
December 07, 2016, 12:12:05 AM
Hello All.

I am running (I hope) Plan-G with FSX.

I last used this wonderful Flight Planner some 3-4 yrs ago but had to stop everything due to medical reasons.

It is now downloaded, defintely the build has worked as I saw it downloading everything, connect is highlighted, but for the life of me I cannot remember
how to start the planner so it shows in FSX.

This old geezer needs the noggin lit up again.  Any help is really appreciated.

Jim, zl2bmh
Plan-G / Re: build files for FSX Steam Edition
December 06, 2016, 03:47:58 AM
This has been resolved.

Jim zl2bmh
Plan-G / build files for FSX Steam Edition
December 04, 2016, 02:39:54 AM
Hello All.

I need some advice please.

I have bought my copy of FSX via Steam.  When it asks for a path to build the FSX files I am
not sure how to go about this. 

Would this appear correct: ThisPC>Local Disk (C:). Steam> steam> games> then I have a FSX icon and put the build into there?

For those with steam and FSX does this appear to be the correct path?

I would be extremely grateful for any help.

Regards. Jim zl2bmh