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Messages - aeugli

Thanks Tim for your clarification; I will do that!
Cheers Rainer
Hallo Tim,

what do you mean with "If your IPs are dynamic, there's a good chance they'll change over days, depending on the order you start things up."
If could explain it a little more detailed, it would be much appreciated by me and may be others!
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Plan-G / Re: Freeware Award 2012!
January 06, 2013, 10:34:38 AM
Congratulations Tim, you deserve it.
Have a nice and happy New Year 2013!
Cheers Rainer
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
April 12, 2012, 08:15:53 AM
No chance to make the "Import"-function work on my first machine/Plan-G installation!
I´ve a second machine/Plan-G installation, there I have to "import" new userwaypoints; then transfer the enhanced/new UserWaypoints.sdf file to the first installation.
That´s a functioning work-around, so far so good.
Thanks for all your help.
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
April 11, 2012, 12:24:01 PM
Thanks Rob,
I´ve had a senior moment and totally forgotten that place ::)
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
April 11, 2012, 10:15:09 AM
Thanks for the quick answer!
Sorry for being ignorant, what´s or where can I find the "The Reporting Point"?
Thanks again
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
April 11, 2012, 06:20:42 AM
Thanks Tim for the tip.
Here is the new log-file (I tried it twice to import new data).
Thanks for looking in!
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
April 10, 2012, 11:50:27 AM
Hello Tim,
I have to reopen this threat cause nearly same problem as before happens: I can now edit the existing data-base, but can´t import new userwaypoints.
When klicking the "import" button, Plan-G get whiteout and a note is popping up: "Plan-G doesn´t function anymore".
I tried a lot to solve this problem but now luck.
I add the log-file from Plan-G folder.
Please take a look inside, any help/idea is appreciated!
Thanks Rainer

Sorry Tim, cannot attach the log-file; size is 1.061 KB and maximum allowed is 1.024 KB
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
March 03, 2012, 02:36:13 PM
Hallo Tim,
no further investigations necessary - maybe only for "scientific/studying" or even "intellectual" purposes.
I could restore the "UserWaypoints.sdf"-file from a clone, dated 26th Febr. 2012.
Just today in the morning (Sa. 03th March) I renamed/"completed" some userwaypoints descriptions for better geographical arrangement/localization so to speak. Therefore I´ve had the idea (Some time was needed for  subliminal creative work) that could be the reason for the denoted issue. Just gave it a try and bingo, everything is allright again.
Don´t know what the exakt culprit could be - may be some format corruption.. however... all is well again, that´s the main point.
Thanks for your helpfullness again
Have a nice weekend and best wishes from Bavaria (EDMA)
Cheers Rainer
Plan-G / Re: Can´t edit database anymore
March 03, 2012, 10:31:45 AM
Thanks Tim for the quick reply!
Here is the needed log-file.
Thanks for looking in.
cheers Rainer
Plan-G / Can´t edit database anymore
March 03, 2012, 07:32:28 AM
Hello Tim,
wonder why I can´t - didn´t do that  for a long time, so I can´t imagine what may cause this - edit anymore the data base in Plan-G (Data/manage: "PlanG doesn´t function anymore"; Problem details below)

  Problemereignisname:   CLR20r3
  Problemsignatur 01:   plang.exe
  Problemsignatur 02:
  Problemsignatur 03:   4d836f53
  Problemsignatur 04:   mscorlib
  Problemsignatur 05:
  Problemsignatur 06:   4ec9f77a
  Problemsignatur 07:   226
  Problemsignatur 08:   10
  Problemsignatur 09:   System.ArgumentException
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Zusatzinformation 3:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Can you imagine what happened?
Any suggestion would be much appreciate!
BTW: Fantastic and regularly used program
Thanks a lot for that and your help
Cheers Rainer
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G PATCH doesn´t work
March 20, 2011, 12:45:45 PM
Hi Tom,
then you aren´t a carpet-crawler but a glass-crawler ;D
Sorry, but couldn´t resist.

Serious now: I´ve had also problems with the patch (see my post above). After installing the full version everything is fine!
Hope the same for you.
Cheers Rainer
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G PATCH doesn´t work
March 19, 2011, 05:33:50 PM
Hi Tim,
I´ve installed the new full version and everything is fine.
Don´t bother with the patch-thingiy, it´s not worth to pay attention to that. May be my rig was "indisposed" or just not "amused.."  ;D ..or something like that.
Thanks again for your prompt answer;
and best wishes to you and the English  Low Lands
Cheers Rainer

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G PATCH doesn´t work
March 19, 2011, 04:58:20 PM
Hi Tim,
same story with a new download.
See the error-report:Problemsignatur:
  Problemereignisname:   CLR20r3
  Problemsignatur 01:   plang.exe
  Problemsignatur 02:
  Problemsignatur 03:   4d836f53
  Problemsignatur 04:   mscorlib
  Problemsignatur 05:
  Problemsignatur 06:   4ba1da6f
  Problemsignatur 07:   2463
  Problemsignatur 08:   0
  Problemsignatur 09:   System.Windows.Markup.XamlParse
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Zusatzinformation 3:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

But I´ll try uninstale and reinstall the full (new) version; will report back!
Cheers Rainer

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G PATCH doesn´t work
March 19, 2011, 04:07:45 PM
Hi Tim,

You did already have 492 installed, yes?

Yes, for shure.

I tried a new download, but with the same result!
I´ll try again and will report back.
Thanks for your answer.