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Messages - Fotofantom

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 19, 2020, 07:15:30 PM
Not really looking for any waypoints in particular, just noticed the difference between versions. The fact that they popped up when you needed to identify them was useful. For instance, if ATC tell me to depart Liverpool via Seaforth I can find it by hovering over the VRP's on the map around the Liverpool area. Otherwise I revert to using the paper version of the map.

It's not a worry if v4 doesn't have the feature, it's just that it was useful.  The fact that VRP's appear and disappear with the selection of 'Airstrip' seems a little odd but I can get around that.  Just thought that you should know what I found.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 19, 2020, 10:31:58 AM
No worries with the donation, the software and your assistance in resolving issues has been well worth it. I appreciate the time you've taken in producing the application and in resolving my issues.

Regarding the VRP's, I think there is a problem that has appeared in v4 that wasn't seen in v3.2.2. Looking at the 'User Waypoints' menu items, if I only have 'VRP' selected, the VRP's appear. If I click on 'Airstrip', the VRP's disappear. If I then unclick 'Airstrip', the VRP's do not reappear until I unclick 'VRP' and re-click 'VRP'.  It's as if there is interaction between these 2 buttons where 'VRP' switches them on and 'Airstrip' switches them off. Also, there is no popup with VRP's and airports even when Plan-G is the only application running on my pc.

I only mention these points because this is the Alpha version and I think you benefit from having as many testers as you can get.  I was a software developer back in the day and know the value of having random sympathetic testing carried out by non-development staff.

I've attached the log file in case there is evidence in there for you.

Keep up the good work.
Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 18, 2020, 03:06:43 PM
Golden days indeed Tim.  Looks like most of the problems were user generated, I can take that.

Thanks very much for your efforts and assistance.  I think the application is fantastic and certainly helps with my simulated VFR flight planning.

One minor point, and it may be another user issue but I can't fathom it at the moment, the vrp's still don't identify when I hover over them. I'm sure they did in v3.2.2 but I've deleted that version and can't check. I think the airports used to identify when hovered over as well but they don't at present. Not worried too much about that now, I can see airspace.

A donation coming your way.

Happy days.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 17, 2020, 10:06:23 PM
OK Tim. Once again, thanks for your time with this.
Hands up - user error for the majority of the failures. I didn't revisit the config area after reloading the software and so it was trying to connect to FSX. That's now resolved.  I have my aircraft on the screen with all airports and VRP's but the VRP's do not show their details when I hover over them so they are not identified as they were in v3.2.2.

I changed the location of the Plan-G files just in case that was causing an issue but, to be honest, it didn't seem to make a lot of difference.

I still can't see any airspace though.  Looking through the log file, it seems to deal with the UK.txt airspace file without showing an error but there is nothing at all on screen relating to airspace.

I've attached a fresh log file in case you wanted to continue with this investigation. I've also attached the UK.txt airspace file just in case I'm asking your application to read rubbish.

Thanks again
Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 17, 2020, 12:07:16 PM
OK, I've attached the log file.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 16, 2020, 08:40:59 PM
OK Tim, thanks for trying but V4 doesn't show my aircraft on the screen when I connect and doesn't show me the airspace.
I'll revert to V3.2.2 for now.

Thanks again.
Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 16, 2020, 11:42:17 AM
Sorry Tim, how do I access the Alpha board? Do I need to download V4 or is there an option somewhere in the V3.2.2 that I'm not seeing?

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 16, 2020, 08:18:03 AM
OK Tim, thanks for sorting the problem.  I'm happy to take the alpha V4 if you can pass me the details please.

Thanks again

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 15, 2020, 07:18:11 PM
Sorry - found it.
Please see attached.

Plan-G / Re: Cannot see UK Airspace
July 15, 2020, 06:33:27 PM
Thanks for your quick reply Tim. I've found the log file but can't see how to attach it to the post. I presume you don't want it in the body of the text. Can you help me with that please.  Sorry if I'm being a numpty.

Plan-G / Cannot see UK Airspace
July 15, 2020, 05:31:49 PM

Thanks for the great mapping software. I'm using v3.2.2 and X-Plane 11. I can see my aircraft symbol and all works well. However, I cannot get UK airspace to show on the map. I've created a .txt file with airspace data in it, called it UK.txt and placed it in the X-Plane/Custom Data/airspaces folder. I then rebuilt the Plan-g X-Plane database but I still have no airspace showing. I have the ICAO Airspace box ticked with ticks in the <10000 and >10000  :)
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you.