
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Sakarias411

V4 Beta / Re: Build 223
September 15, 2020, 08:08:26 PM
Hello Tim and thanks for this awesome tool !

However, I am currently running into a problem.
The entire app becomes verry stuttery after a few clicks/drags on the map.

To fix it, I just have to disable one type of airports for example, and it'll be fine for a few seconds... then it will start stutter again (The time it takes to load everything again probably).
I guess Plan-G is trying to render runways (or something else) that is at a muuuuch lower zoom level, generating the stutters.

Here's a video of the problem (because a video is always better than words!)

(And before you ask, my CPU is a I9-9900K @ 5Ghz and I have 32Gb of ram, which should be more than enough for Plan-G).

Please do not hesitate to tell me if you need my help to run tests, or if there's any logfile I can send.

EDIT : I imported the MSFS data only.