
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - T1gger65

V4 Beta / Re: Flight Plan Not Loading
September 28, 2020, 05:42:13 PM
I created a few Plan-G plans on the weekend which successfully loaded into MSFS 2020 after removing the square brackets from the exported file name.

I did find though that if I used Plan-G's Start Position button to assign a ramp / gate before exporting the PLN it wouldn't load into MSFS. If I left the default positioning for the departure airport and exported the PLN it loaded successfully and I was able to use the MSFS flight planner to assign a ramp position before loading into my flight.
Thanks Tim, missed that in the readme. Keeping things separated during Alpha makes perfect sense.
Hello, new Plan-G user running the v4 Alpha's with MSFS 2020.

When I am updating to a new Alpha build I've been deleting the old folder and replacing it however it's not preserving my custom user settings. I had thought that the settings would be located somewhere in the "C:\Users\username\Documents\Plan-G Files" file-path but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Are there specific files I should copy to the new "Plan-G v4" Alpha folder from the previous build when updating or do most people just overwrite the existing folder when updating?
I found this issue as well when importing Plan-G pln files into MSFS 2020. (build 228)

Example: VFR Springbank to Calgary Intl [152 C-GPEM].pln

Plan-G is putting brackets around the aircraft and MSFS won't load the file. When I removed the brackets the flightplan pln loaded.