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Messages - earnorbust

V4 Beta / Updating database takes very long
November 01, 2020, 04:47:55 PM
Do you have to do the full database generation every time you acquire a new airport - or does Plan-G only add the renewals to the database?
Hi Tim

Bug info...The flight plans that Plan-G saves, lose their approach procedures when loaded into MSFS.

Seems to be a MSFS problem, since their own saved flight plans don't show the approach after re-loading into MSFS. Looks like the *.PLN file format needs updating!

That's an ugly bug for all flight planning software products, because the approaches are so important for ILS flights. You guys should heavily complain to Asobo to give this flaw fixing priority!

Hope that helped out.
Fast reply...thank you.

I have three more questions:

1) where can I download the program documentation (manual)?
2) Does Plan-G offer typical approaches for my arrival airports to load into my flight plan?
3) Why didn't Plan-G copy my airplane profiles from FS2020 to it's own airplane profile file - saving me the work of entering the data anew?
#4 do you save the Plan-G flight plan in the file format of *.PLN for loading into FS2020?
