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Messages - canuck21a

Plan-G / Re: Waypoint Arrow sizes
June 06, 2010, 05:47:01 PM

That did the trick.
Interestingly when I started Plan-G fresh and loaded the plan the arrows looked fine.

What I had done on the previous occasion was to load a new flight plan over an existing one
that was quite some distance away and did have had a considerable difference in zoom factor.
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
June 06, 2010, 05:40:38 PM
We are expecting anther group flight today. I will get a screen-shot and upload then,
Plan-G / Waypoint Arrow sizes
June 06, 2010, 04:05:23 PM
A few of my regular flying mates are using Plan-G and we all seem to report a similar situation.

When flight plans are loaded the way point arrows are huge and seem to have their own mind as to when they will get smaller.

I have attached an image of what I am referring to.
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
June 06, 2010, 02:42:53 PM
We did another group flight last weekend using FSInn and those of us who were using Plan-G all reported the same air speed problems. Every other utility that we were using reported the correct speeds but plan-g gave the same strange and ridiculously high speed values.

Has anyone else that frequent this Forum used FSInn and Plan-G ?
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
May 25, 2010, 12:13:56 AM
Thanks for the update Tim.

I do intend to press on with the speed testing later this week or on the weekend.
Plan-G / Re: Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
May 24, 2010, 11:07:48 PM
Perhaps I should have very specific.

FS Commander shows the aircraft details for each aircraft on the screen so we can simply glance at the screen to see where a specific pilot/aircraft is. The cycling display of aircraft details is what we see in FSX for other online planes.

On the second point all I can say is that the speeds indicated on FS Commander were correct while those shown in Plan-G were not so it cannot be FSX as far as I can see. I was not alone in seeing this apparent inconsistency.

I will try again during my next group flight and see what Plan-G does in both SimConnect and FSUIPC mode (using WideClient using the same networked PC). I will also launch it on the FSX system to see if it shows anything different.
Plan-G / Group Flight Airplane Identifiers
May 24, 2010, 08:56:17 PM
I have read the manual relating to networked systems and AI aircraft.

As a test several of us were on our FSInn server together and using Plan-G.

We could see each other and there was a listing of planes in the Traffic table.

A couple of questions;

1) I am Yellow everyone else is red but viewing the aircraft on the display does not seem to identify the aircraft like we might be used to in other planner/moving  map programs. Of course if we direct our mouse to the plane displayed then we can identify it but we do not seem to know how to make the plane have a cycling caption showing its ID.

2) On that same server we all checked our Ground Speeds via the Traffic table and they were completely off with more than one flying at over 1000 Kts. This is a bit much for a DC3.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Darryl Wightman
(aka canuck21a)
Plan-G / Re: Toggle option for ILS feathers ?
May 23, 2010, 12:24:01 AM
 :-[  How could I miss that !
Sorry for my apparent blindness.
Over 60. Does that make for a good excuse?

Update !!

I have discovered that I am not blind.... the options were somewhat hidden !!

I was using a 15" monitor and those map settings on the ribbon were simply not visible.
When I tried on a wide screen notebook they appeared.

I went back to the smaller monitor and found that these settings were there but inside the Global

I am better now..
Plan-G / Toggle option for ILS feathers ?
May 22, 2010, 11:07:13 PM
I have yet to discover how to disable to ILS Feathers when viewing the main page. Sometimes when viewing an airport close-up in Satellite mode the overlay of green can be quite distracting.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Darryl Wightman
aka 'canuck21a'