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Messages - Dragnhorn

Plan-G / Re: kml/kmz files
December 28, 2010, 05:54:25 AM
Thanks a lot Tim!  Not exactly sure where to type in the links in Plan G, but I'll figure that out.  Thanks again.    :D
Plan-G / kml/kmz files
December 27, 2010, 05:59:28 AM
Hi all,
A new feature to show KML files on the Plan G map was included and showed by default all 3 of ORBX scenery areas.  PNW, PJF, and NRM.  Now it only shows NRM scenery area.  I may have deleted the first 2?  Anyone else see all 3?

Thanks in advance,
Plan-G / Plan G crashes on selection new aircraft
December 26, 2010, 06:45:05 PM
Noticed this and thought I'd mention it.  If I disconnect Plan G from FSX I can switch aircraft then reconnect and all is fine.
I also had this problem and the test exe worked fine for me.

Win 7 64 bit
Plan-G / Re: Script error when zooming in or out
December 14, 2010, 06:44:48 AM
I'm getting this error as well.  It states the script might slow down my browser and do I want to continue running it.  I will attach a log if needed Tim.

Thanks for such a great software!  A Merry Christmas pay pal donation on the way.

Best regards,
Rob Abernathy
Redding, CA