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Messages - WGTL17

Wonderful! It appears to be working now.

I installed the vista UIautomationcore.dll files and she's sweet. I had previously removed the WIN7 UIautomationcore.dlls but failed to put the vista ones in.

Thanks for your help!
Thanks Emile!

I Have attached the logs - They make little sense to me i'm afraid.

Hey Tim,

yes I did have to upgrade some drivers but I believe they were only for the touchscreen and not Nvidia graphics drivers.

Where can I access the Windows application log?

many thanks
Hey there,

After recently adding a new second monitor to my setup, PlanG crashes ('Plan-G has stopped working') within seconds of opening.

I have had Plan-G running perfectly for quite a while and I absolutely love this program. The only thing that I can think of that has triggered this is adding my new 21" touchscreen monitor. I only just updated to the latest version of PlanG as I was running 2.0.3 before but there has been no difference.

I'm running Win7 64bit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Plan-G / Re: Updated Prohibited/Restricted/Danger Areas?
September 05, 2011, 09:52:15 AM
Ah righto, thanks for your reply!
Plan-G / Updated Prohibited/Restricted/Danger Areas?
August 31, 2011, 04:27:52 PM

I'm just wondering if it is at all possible to get updated Restricted airspace overlays (if that is the correct term?) for plan-G?

I noticed on your website that there is a download for "UK ATZ and MATZ for FSX and FS9" compiled from the UK AIP. Is there any hope that the same could be done for Australia or the US?

many thanks for your fantastic product - I'd be lost without this software!