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Messages - FSP-Rudi

Plan-G / Re: Export Database
July 30, 2010, 01:36:07 PM
Hi Tim,
now I have ready the VRP.mdb for Germany, only Germany.

If you will have the VRP.mdb, than than send me a short Message.

It is only 540 KB, so no problem per email.

Plan-G / Re: Export Database
July 28, 2010, 03:36:33 PM
Hi Tim
Thank you for so quick info

Plan-G / Re: Export Database
July 28, 2010, 11:37:45 AM
Hi Tim,
I have make with MsAcc, but I do not know what format I must use in mdb?
for example:    EDDW November   DW-N        53.09      8.738334
                                                               Degree.Minute or degree.Minute*6 
1 Min=60 Sek or 1 Min=100 Sek

I hope you know what I mean, my enlish is not so good for this Theme.

Thank you