
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - gdawg

Cockpit Chatter / Re: My first iPad / iPhone game
October 22, 2011, 11:41:04 PM
Dang dang dang,

I knew I shouldn't of gotten this android thing. It looks really good Tim, I'm sure the little ones will enjoy "Hangover Harbour" :)

Cockpit Chatter / New Sceneries from Misty Moorings
October 12, 2011, 08:34:17 PM
The guys over at Misty Moorings have announced in the Orbx forums the pending arrival of their new large scale scenery package called C.I.R.P. it should be available on Oct. 31 2011. Here's a couple of videos I had fun making for them. Most of the material used in the videos were from pre-release packages and have been updated for the final release.

Hope you enjoy

C.I.R.P. is on its way!


Hi jrocky
thanks for the link. I've been using Input Director for several years now and it is a very good program as well.

Plan-G / Re: Import User Waypoints
July 25, 2011, 10:00:41 PM
Ahhh! Thank you Tim,
I guess I was really out to lunch on that one Another quick question for the first field, Category I think is there a list of the different values it can hold?

Plan-G / Re: Import User Waypoints
July 24, 2011, 11:18:07 PM
You mean of where I stand with it right now?

N54 21.21   W130 28.26
N54 25.81   W130 46.65
N53 48.38   W131 51.86
N56 2.28          W131 27.54
N53 41.93   W129 42.82
N56 24.94   W132 12.99
N55 56.39   W132 04.07
N54 9.65           W129 57.32
N54 09.21   W129 56.58
N53 59.82   W128 47.20
N53 44.72   W129 24.79
N52 26.30   W127 16.49
N55 59.35   W132 18.51
N52 22.81   W127 29.57
N54 8.71      W130 8.04

these are two fields strips out of an open offic org calc spread sheet there are actually about 700 + lines like this
Let me know if I misread your question.
Plan-G / Re: Import User Waypoints
July 24, 2011, 09:14:36 PM
Wish I knew how to decompile a .bgl but no, this is just a plain text file I snagged off the net and worked into the (almost) correct format  using regex.

Plan-G / Re: Import User Waypoints
July 24, 2011, 03:40:53 PM
LOL! I looked online and found several "converters" but none that will batch convert when the "N" or "W" is present in the coordinates. A shame really, I wanted to upload a list in the forum of locations populated by various sceneries for FSX some payware and some freeware. It's always nice to deviate from your route to see something along the way.
Plan-G / Re: Error 1001
July 24, 2011, 06:54:56 AM
Hi Jim,
It's hard to say what may be causing your Error 1001 not knowing your set up but a stab in the dark makes me think of a firewall/anti-virus issue. Can you think of any updates to either lately?  If so let us know what you are using for security and the solution may be easier.
Plan-G / Import User Waypoints
July 24, 2011, 01:35:49 AM
Hi Tim,
I've created a list of about 740 user waypoints in .csv format that I wanted to import into Plan-G ( but the lat/long fields are in the form of degrees/minutes/seconds and I believe Plan-G requires them to be in the form of degrees/decimal? At least, when I try to import them I get an invalid latitude on line 1. Is there any way I can work around this or is it a question of "Abandon all hope ye....."?
Plan-G / Re: Plan_G on second computer
December 17, 2010, 05:01:50 AM
Can't David just tell Plan-G (on the second computer) where his FSX install is under "file > options > FS connection" and build the database on the "data" tab in Plan-G? or have I missed something in his question.
Plan-G / keyboard shortcuts/wish list
December 11, 2009, 08:16:57 PM
First off, great program! A pleasure to use. About once a month or so I like to hop into Cessna pick a city and look for local landmarks to take screenshots of Plan-G is perfect for that. I'm wondering if its possible to get some keyboard shortcuts? I've looked through the Manuel but couldn't find anything hopefully I haven't overlooked something? Would it be possible to program a shortcut that will recenter the user plane in free and sync modes? I'm sure the next one is going to be tougher but would it be possible to have keyboard shortcuts for zooming the map in and out on demand?
Thanks again!