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Messages - granpa

Plan-G / Re: Plan-g stops working
July 28, 2010, 06:16:24 AM
I copied the following from the Log.txt file but I don't know what it means. It comes up as an error when I build the database.

10:16:20 Error in RestartMap: Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME))

Could it have something to do with OBX or Oxz?

Plan-G / Re: Plan-g stops working
July 27, 2010, 10:08:47 AM
Yes but I can't get it to show in the program. I can load a plan that I created within fsx but still no map. I even opened the script file to see whether I could trace where it was going wrong but, of course, it isn't a text file and there was no formatting to assist a human like me. I wish I was a computer sometimes ;D
Plan-G / Re: Plan-g stops working
July 27, 2010, 02:26:56 AM
The manual shows the UI at start with a map displayed  Fig. 4.01 The Plan-G User Interface at Startup
When I start the program I get a blank screen where the map should be.

I'm fairly computer literate and I've tried everything I can think of to solve the problem.

My OS is Windows 7 64bit 2 GB of ram

At the moment I am unable to use the program. Very disappointing

Plan-G / Re: Plan-g stops working
July 25, 2010, 11:56:27 PM
The same. I choose the start airport, hit OK and it stops working. Tried setting options, stopped working, connected to FSX stopped working. Almost every action I take causes the program to stop working.

One thing I was curious about was that no map is displayed but the various actions indicate that there should be a map. I'll uninstall the program and try again.

Plan-G / Re: Plan-g stops working
July 25, 2010, 06:37:35 AM
I have UAC turned off. I have scripting turned on and I even turned off Microsoft Security Essentials for test purposes. I still have the same problem.

Plan-G / Plan-g stops working
July 24, 2010, 06:30:37 AM
I have just installed Plan-g but I can't get it to work. I have built the FSX data base but when I click on New Plan windows 7 throws up an error message to say that Plan-g has stopped working. It does this whether I have FSX running or not.

Went through the manual to see if I was doing something wrong but couldn't find an answer there.

As of this moment I am totally unable to use the program. Help me please....... :afro:


Here is my log file to date.

14:53:56 FSX is installed
14:53:56 FSX database is built
14:53:56 Selected data set is FSX
14:54:05 Starting map
14:54:08 Initialisation complete.
14:54:08 Initializing Jump List
14:54:08 Clearing progress bar
14:54:08 Checking PLN file registration
14:54:08 Checking command line
14:54:08 Command line. Length = 1 args = D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,
14:59:52 PlanG constructor
14:59:52 executableFolder: D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G
14:59:53 Starting Plan-G, build
14:59:53 FSX is installed
14:59:53 FSX database is built
14:59:53 Selected data set is FSX
15:00:02 Starting map
15:00:03 Initialisation complete.
15:00:03 Initializing Jump List
15:00:03 Clearing progress bar
15:00:03 Checking PLN file registration
15:00:03 Checking command line
15:00:03 Command line. Length = 1 args = D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,
15:06:18 PlanG constructor
15:06:18 executableFolder: D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G
15:06:19 Starting Plan-G, build
15:06:19 FSX is installed
15:06:19 FSX database is built
15:06:19 Selected data set is FSX
15:06:34 Starting map
15:06:36 Initialisation complete.
15:06:36 Initializing Jump List
15:06:36 Clearing progress bar
15:06:36 Checking PLN file registration
15:06:36 Checking command line
15:06:36 Command line. Length = 1 args = D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,
15:06:56 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
15:06:56 SimConnect.Connect
15:06:56 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = Port = 0
15:06:57 Connected to FSX
15:06:58 Error calling setMapPosition: Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME))
15:06:58 Error calling plotUserAircraft: Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME))
15:07:03 Error calling plotUserAircraft: Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME))
15:08:54 PlanG constructor
15:08:54 executableFolder: D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G
15:08:54 Starting Plan-G, build
15:08:54 FSX is installed
15:08:55 FSX database is built
15:08:55 Selected data set is FSX
15:09:04 Starting map
15:09:05 Initialisation complete.
15:09:05 Initializing Jump List
15:09:05 Clearing progress bar
15:09:05 Checking PLN file registration
15:09:05 Checking command line
15:09:05 Command line. Length = 1 args = D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,
15:22:08 PlanG constructor
15:22:08 executableFolder: D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G
15:22:08 Starting Plan-G, build
15:22:08 FSX is installed
15:22:09 FSX database is built
15:22:09 Selected data set is FSX
15:22:18 Starting map
15:22:19 Initialisation complete.
15:22:19 Initializing Jump List
15:22:19 Clearing progress bar
15:22:19 Checking PLN file registration
15:22:19 Checking command line
15:22:19 Command line. Length = 1 args = D:\Games\Flight Sims\Flight Sim X\Utilities\Plan-G_0.9.1\Plan-G\Plan-G.exe,