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Messages - miata54

Plan-G / F9 Key
August 27, 2012, 02:32:03 PM
As many of us did use FS Navigator with FS9, that program could be called using the keyboard F9 key. The call was virtually instantaneous. It was very easy to toggle between FS9 and FS Navigator. Can Plan-G be configured to do the same in FSX using FSUIPC and if so, would it be as quick a transition as in FS9?

Plan-G / Re: Can't connect to FS9
November 26, 2009, 04:34:55 PM
I also got the error message as mentioned in several threads above. Seems as thought FS must be started first BEFORE you click the "Connect" tab in Plan-G. When done in this sequence, Plan-G does load into FS and the map appears. But in order to do this, you have to (unless there is another way) put FS into Windowed Mode, minimize it so you can activate Plan-G from the desktop icon.

If a keystroke (such as F9 for FSNavigator) could be implemented in and using FSUIPC, I think that would solve this work around.