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Messages - rosariomanzo

Plan-G / Re: Missing airport
March 18, 2011, 05:05:49 PM
And what is more puzzling is that with the last database build I have Caloundra back!  :o

Tim, sorry for that. Looks like I made you waste a bunch of time.
Plan-G / Re: Missing airport
March 18, 2011, 05:01:56 PM
Hi Tim, yes it is present.

About Caloundra in the log, everything seems ok:

11:33:37.7 Scanning folder D:\FSX\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_YCDR
11:33:37.7 Checking: 000_Caloundra_Bridges_Excludes.BGL
11:33:37.7 Checking: APX_YCDR.BGL
11:33:37.7 Decoded file: APX_YCDR.BGL Apts: 1 Vors: 0 Ndbs: 0 wpts: 0 Approaches: 0 Bdys: 0
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_apartments_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_cars_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_Gables_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_GRASS3D_PLC.BGL
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_Lights.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_Markings.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_Rural_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_shops_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_statics_PLC.bgl
11:33:37.7 Checking: ORBX_YCDR_TrafficLights_PLC.bgl

This is quite puzzling me...  :(
Plan-G / Re: Missing airport
March 18, 2011, 10:48:59 AM
Hi Tim
Australia was enabled in FTX Central, and I have added FTX AU/FTX YCDR directory in the additional paths in the options window.
Still no YCDR in Plan-g.
This is quite strange, as all other FTX airports are correctly displayed on the map.
Plan-G / Missing airport
March 18, 2011, 09:07:53 AM
After my last database update, I no longer see FTX YCDR on plan-g.
YCDR is available in FSX airport list, as I can choose it in the FSX flight planner.
Is there a way to add an airport not recognized by plan-g?
Plan-G / Plan-G CTD
January 28, 2011, 11:12:21 PM

Big problems here.
I have a CTD each time I try to import user waypoint in my FSX database.
A CTD always happens when I hit 'browse' in the 'Location' page (file>options) also. Is it normal that my locations textboxes are empty (FSX and scenery.cfg)?
This happens with any 2.x version. It doesn't happen in my old 0.9.x
FSX is installed in D:\FSX (not my primary disk). O.S. is W7 Home 64.

Plan-G v2.x works well in my WinXP 32bit installation.

May anybody help?

Thanks in advance
The Reporting Point / Italy VFR points
January 13, 2011, 10:25:32 AM
I've created a list of all Italy VFR waypoints, as listed in ENR 6.3.1-1, AIRAC effective date 18 NOV 2010.

I only have one issue. As I try to edit one of my waypoints, Plan-G crashes to desktop.

May anybody help to find out what's wrong with my .csv file?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: now it works as it should, file updated, enjoy!