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Plan-G Crash to Desktop

Started by speedy71, June 03, 2010, 06:09:39 PM

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I've just installed Plan-G but I've never got the program functioning.
Whenever I click on every box in the menu, or I select an airport in the list I get a crash to desktop.
No error message or error in log file.

My OS is Win7 64 Home Premium.

Thanks to anyone can help me!
I'm a fan of VFR flights and this program is just what I've been searching for years! ;)


tim arnot

Can't say I've heard of that problem. There must be things you can click on, or you wouldn't have (or be able to get) a list of airports. Tell me EXACTLY the sequence of things you do to make it crash, and also upload the log.

Tim. @TimArnot


There are only very few things I can click without having crash to desktop.  >:( When I select many boxes or voices from menu I ALWAYS cause instant crash to desktop. Since my first installation, everytime I try to build FSX database I always get this error message at the end: "NOME SCONOSCIUTO. (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNAME)).  ??? At the end of process I'm able to have a list of airports, VOR and NDB, but when I select an Airport, VOR, NDB or User Waypoint from the Find Menu list I had crash as I've just explained before... So I can't use the software in any way.  :( I can't see any map or flight plane!! I have crash everytime I click "New Flight Plan"; I have crash when I select in home menu "Map overlay" and FS "Connect" button (no difference between Auto, SimConnect or FSUIPC option), or when I select/deselect in Map Settings menu "Named Wpts", "Unnamed Wpts", "Lower Airspace", "Upper Airspace", "ICAO Airspace", "Special Use 1", "Special Use 2", "Airstrips", "Disused", "Locations", "Obstacles", "Helipads", "Point Of Interest", "Visual Reporting Pts", "IFR Waypoints", "Graticule", deactivating "ILS" (activation doesn't seems to cause crash), or when clicking "Reset All".  :'( I've yet launched  ClearAllSettings.exe and MapReset.exe without resolving any problem!! No difference between FSX running or not! :o I don't know If I've made any mistake in the installation and setup process... I hope it can be useful... thanks  ;)

tim arnot

That is an IE security error. Make sure you have scripts enabled in Internet Explorer, and that Plan-G is not being blocked by your user credentioals, firewall or antivirus. One or more of those is causing the problem.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the suggestion!
I'll try to check the IE settings
I will keep you informed on developments  :azn:



With your help I managed to run the program. For months I thought everything except the problem depended on the IE security settings.
Also because I usually don't use it to navigate.  :laugh:  I use another browser. Now everything is OK and everything works fine!!
I didn't think that it could depend from a so simple problem and that the solution could be so easy!!  ::)
Thanks for the help and for this masterpiece software!
Now that I can see it running, I can say that is really well done and it is really what I've been searching for years!

Ciao  ;)

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot