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Fsx Flight Planner not in step with Plan-G IFR Plan

Started by raymar99, October 08, 2010, 12:43:05 AM

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I am new to Plan-G and trying to start my first flight.  Installation was a snap, SimConnect (default to fsx/pc) worked great. My Airplane number shows up in the GPS panel.

I created and saved a short IFR flight using Plan-G. KCLM - KNUW - 4WA5  -CYWH.  A 34 minute flight in the Seattle/Victoria area.  The plan looks great on the Plan-G map but when I call it up with the fsx default Flight Planner the two intermediate waypoints are not shown.  Just a direct flight from KCLM - CYWH.

Any advice for a newbie here?

I started fsx first, fully loaded, then Plan-G, recalled the saved flight plan, looks great on the Plan-G map and table.  Call it up with the fsx Flight Planner and it is a direct flight with no waypoints.  Duh?

Please advise.


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Flight Plan file attached.  thanks.

The flight plan reads into the Garmin500 just fine, and the plane will fly the course on autopilot, but, ATC routes me direct to the destination airport every time.

tim arnot

FS ATC on an IFR plan will start vectoring you for the default approach at about 100 miles out. Since at no time on your plan are you more than 35nm from your destination, ATC will be setting you up for the approach as soon as you take off. That's a limitation of the FS ATC system. IFR is not designed for sightseeing...  ;)

Tim. @TimArnot


Didn't know the part about the 100 mile limitation on flight plans.  Did know about the sight seeing.  Thanks.

Have there been any reported problems with the default Flight Plan not picking up the intermediate waypoints from a Plan-G generated flight plan?
I have ver.  Is this the most up to date version.  Thanks for the post.



tim arnot

No. You'll find exactly the same issue if you build the plan in FS -- the limitation is with the FS ATC system. IRL, you could possibly persuade the controller, although since your plan crosses an FIR boundary, you'd most likely be restricted to a single "official" routing. They don't like you mucking about when it comes to crossing borders!

Yes you have the current build. 2.0 is at the Release Candidate stage, and should be available within a few weeks - watch out for announcements.

Tim. @TimArnot