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[Resolved]Plan-G v2.0.2 and FSUIPC

Started by Kurt2404, December 12, 2010, 09:05:41 PM

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Good evening Tim,

just updated from  v2.0.1 to v2.0.2. Until now I used the FSUIPC connection as solid communication to FSX and anticipating a future wide FS bridge to a networked laptop. Unfortunately the new version does (at least in my case) NOT connect to FSUIPC at all. Please check for the reason of this.

Here are the last lines of the log-file:
22:03:05.9 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
22:03:05.9 No plan - erasing line
22:03:14.1 WxTimer_Tick
22:03:14.1 Checking for updates
22:03:14.1 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
22:03:14.1 Metar20Z.TXT started
22:03:14.1 Metar21Z.TXT started
22:03:14.1 lTAF12Z.TXT started
22:03:14.1 sTAF18Z.TXT started
22:03:15.0 sTAF18Z.TXT done
22:03:15.0 lTAF18Z.TXT started
22:03:15.6 sTAF12Z.TXT started
22:03:18.1 lTAF18Z.TXT done
22:03:18.6 lTAF12Z.TXT done
22:03:20.5 sTAF12Z.TXT done
22:03:20.7 Metar20Z.TXT done
22:03:22.4 Metar21Z.TXT done
22:03:22.4 DownloadCurrentMetars done
22:03:22.9 ProcessMetars done
22:03:24.0 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
22:03:24.0 FSUIPC.Connect
22:03:25.0 Error opening FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   bei FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   bei FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(FlightSim RequiredFlightSimVersion)
   bei FS.FSUIPC.Connect()

Thanks in advance for helping me!
Kind regards

tim arnot

If you are running Plan-G as administrator, make sure you are also running FS as administrator (or vice versa). That error occurs if only one of the two programs has administrator priveleges. They must both have the same privelege level. (either Administrator or not).

Tim. @TimArnot


Good morning Tim,

perfect - I woke up this night and had the same thought about unintentionally leaving out the "execute as administrator" tack!

Thank your very much for your perfect service!
Kind regards