
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Displaying STAR Transitions

Started by aggrav8, March 28, 2011, 06:47:57 PM

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I'm creating a flight plan for KRDU terminating with the FRAZI ONE (the Gordonsville GVE VOR) is the transition from enroute to the arrival procedure (STAR?) at RWY 5L.  I had to create user waypoints for most of the waypoints in that STAR.  Now the plan displays with all waypoints and VORs connected as I expected.  But if I right-click on the KRDU icon and select an ILS approach no transition displays in the lower half of the dropdown.  Is this correct?

tim arnot

Is there a transition listed if you select the ILS for 5L in the default GPS? If not, you will need to find an addon for the airport that includes the transtion, or add it yourself using the Approach Designer in ADE9X.

The fact that you had to create the user waypoints does suggest that the approach is not present in your current scenery.

Tim. @TimArnot


I believe you are correct although I'm not knowledgable enough to say 100%.  I installed ADE 1.47, advertised as the latest full version.  I concluded that by ADE9X you were referring to that version (which is compatible with both FS9 and FSX).  I'll check out the airport designer to se how to get started.  This is new territory for me so I'll have to feel my way.  Thanks Very Much Tim

tim arnot

It's new territory for a lot of people. But as scenery developers start to get to grips with it, I think we'll see a lot more addon airports with updated approaches.

Tim. @TimArnot


This looks well over my head. I opened the stock KRDU in ADE and felt like I had the power to do great damage so I didn't go further.  I looked at the GPS and snapped the attached pic.  Is this what you referred to in your post of 03/29 08:50:31 AM, where I might find a transition listed? 

When I had the FP loaded in FSX I was looking at the list of available approaches, and there was a horizontal line indicating that existing transitions would be listed below.  There were none.  Or would I need to open a flight plan with KRDU the destination and then look at the GPS for transitiions?  I'm pretty sure there are none.

tim arnot

Yes. There are no transitions built in for the KRDU ILS approaches.

Tim. @TimArnot


One last post. 

We've been discussing transitions.  I want to make sure I know exactly what you're referring as a "transition" because the FRAZI ONE ARRIVAL (RNAV) STAR chart's text box identifies the GVE VOR as a transition, and also mentions an "assigned runway transition."  So when you tell me to use ADE9X to create a "transition," are you referring to one of those two things, or to the entire SBV-to-HEMAS path, or something entirely different?  If I'm going to use ADE9X to create one, what will I have when I'm finished?
Thanks, A8