Possible to have the airport informations on the map in lower zoom than 8?

Started by Emile, March 28, 2011, 03:57:58 PM

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With zoom = 8 I "see" the airport information on the map. From zoom = 7 this information is not available anymore.
Possible to have the airport information available for zoom lower than 8?
Thanks in advance.
Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Cordair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 950 ti,PCX Nvidia 1150 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot .

tim arnot

Just go to the Map ribbon, and turn it on for whatever zoom levels  you need. But beware: it can have a big performance hit.

Tim. @TimArnot


"and turn it on for whatever zoom "
Sorry but I do not see where I can do this .
thanks in advance
Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Cordair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 950 ti,PCX Nvidia 1150 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot .


Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Cordair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 950 ti,PCX Nvidia 1150 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot .