
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Problem Refresh view Plan G

Started by Fcois, July 08, 2011, 04:56:57 AM

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My big problem with Plan G
Refresh view Google Maps very very long (several seconds)
Virtually Impossible to use with FSX Plan G connected
I limited the maximum opening of objects in Map menu, but no change
Do you have a solution to this problem?
thank you
My Config:
Win XP SP3 - Intel quad core Q9450 - Asus P5QPro - 3 Go SDRAM DDR2 - Sapphire HD 5770 1Go - Moniteur LED 16/10 XL2370 Samsung + Belnea 17" LCD - DD 80 et 250 G0 - Alim Antec 550W - FSX + Accélération - Saitek X52

tim arnot

What is your network connection, and how fast is your Internet?

Tim. @TimArnot


OK Tim
My connexion ADSL  100Mbits/s
Speed download 4533 kbps
Speed upload 417 kbps

tim arnot

And how are you connected to that? wifi or wired10/100/1000?

Tim. @TimArnot


modem wifi connected my pc by wired lenght +- 3 m  (not include 10/100/1000?)
no problem with Google Maps or Google Earth .... and other software.

tim arnot

If the hardware connections are good, then you must have some software that is interfering with it. Maybe an antivirus is forcing a scan of every data packet, or you have a security priveleges issue, or you have an affinity mask setting that doesn't allow it enough cpu; it's very hard to diagnose something like that.

Tim. @TimArnot