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plan g not working after new insstallation

Started by guest8825, August 19, 2011, 02:59:08 AM

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i have fsx running on a win xp computer.   i just tried to install the current plan g.  installation appears to be successful, including the automatic installation of .net 4.  after installlation is complete, i select the build-data-option for fsx, and the build appears to be going ok (lasting 15-20minutes)  final datq are something ike 14,000= airports, and at completion of this, the progress window turns white (no information visible), the original map is still visible but the data build options are no longer seen, and the plan g window appears to be frozen; cursor does not respond to anything on the map.  i cannot close plan g without using control-alt-delete.  when i reopen it, the map is no longer visible, only a blank white space).  using control panel, i attempted to repair plan-g, and some kind of 'reinstallation' occurred, but the map remained blank. then, i uninstaled plan g (could not find an option for clearing registry entries, as mentioned in the install instructions.  finally, i downloaded a new file from your forum and went through the installation again;  the results were identical.  mp still non functional.

i am attaching a copy of the log file from the program directory.  i don't understand all of the entries, but it looks as if the installation stops at some poin where medium sized airports are being processed.

i hope you can make some sense of this problem and suggest some solution or work-around.
i wwould really like to be able to use plan g, as it soulnds like a phenomenaly good program.

steve chavin 



here is a brief followup to my note yesterday.  after writing to you, i tried a third time to do a clean installation of plan-g.  this time, i went away while the data base was being compiled. the compilation was completed after about 2 hours (twice as long as i had previously allowed).  now i will sit down with your manual and try to figure out how to use plan-g.

steve chavin

tim arnot

Run the ClearAllSettings program. It appears to be zoomed right out and attempting to plot over 12,000 airports. This is probably causing google to sulk, which is why the map has locked up.

The database build, as you said, took just over 20 minutes.

Tim. @TimArnot



further followup.  i have tried about a dozen times to get plan-g working.  i have fsx on the same computer but have tried with plan-g alone to see how flight plans are created.  when i open plan-g, the initial window appears instantly, but the map is seems to require about 5-10 minutes for to appear.  once it appears,  the map and the computer apparently freeze when i try to move the map or change the scale.  none of the tabs work and i have to close plan-g with control-alt-delete.  the only thing i have managed to do is to try a quick and simple flight plan by typing in the departure and destination airports.  the flight plan appears as a straight line on the map window but the map features themselves have disappeared and the program is frozen .  i am attaching a copy of the log for today's efforts.

i cannot figure out where to go from here.  i am getting no error messages or microsoft warnings.  i would be most grateful if you could suggest some kind of troubleshooting for me.

tim arnot

See my above message. The log shows that you are still at a very low zoom level and attempting to plot many thousands of airports. This will grind google pretty much to a standstill, guaranteed.

Tim. @TimArnot



thanks for the reply.  right after i wrote the other day, i tried once again to open the current instalation.  to my amazement, it now opens and loads completely in less than 2 minutes, and appears to be working ok.  the zoom functin works and i have created a couple of short flight plans. 

however, progress comes in small steps and at a price.  i now find that it is not always easy to close plan-g.  if i use the x button at right upper corner or the exit button in the file dropdown menu, the task bar icon for plan-g disappears, but the desk top image of the map remains frozen in place.  using control-alt-delete shows that plan-g is no longer running,  but the map screen remains frozen on the monitotr screen.  on the other hand, if i right click the task bar icon for plan -g and select 'close',  it shuts down and closes instantly. i guess it is ok but i am not sure why the other exit routes seem not to work.

i have not yet tried to connect plan-g with fsx (on same computer) and i will read over the extensive instructions on this in the manual.  i am wondering whether it is possible to fly the simulator from the aircraft and, at the same time, to have plan-g open as a small window showing the gps/map/flight plan in real flight time (analogous to the gps modules which come with fsx).  i have not yet found anything in the manual showing a picture of this option.  can you enlighten me.

i appreciate all the help you are providing, nd i do look forward to using plan-g with fsx.

steve chavin

tim arnot

Quote from: chavins on August 24, 2011, 10:10:44 PM
i now find that it is not always easy to close plan-g.  if i use the x button at right upper corner or the exit button in the file dropdown menu, the task bar icon for plan-g disappears, but the desk top image of the map remains frozen in place.  using control-alt-delete shows that plan-g is no longer running,  but the map screen remains frozen on the monitotr screen.  on the other hand, if i right click the task bar icon for plan -g and select 'close',  it shuts down and closes instantly. i guess it is ok but i am not sure why the other exit routes seem not to work.

That seems to happen on some machines. Far as I can tell it is related to the graphics card, but I can't be more specific than that, as I haven't seen it myself. I do know that the problem won't exist in v3, since I'm using a different window library, but I don't have a date for that, since I'm currently without a development PC.

Quotei am wondering whether it is possible to fly the simulator from the aircraft and, at the same time, to have plan-g open as a small window showing the gps/map/flight plan in real flight time (analogous to the gps modules which come with fsx).  i have not yet found anything in the manual showing a picture of this option.  can you enlighten me.

Plan-G can't exist inside the sim, if that's what you mean. But it runs fine externally, on the same or a networked PC.

Tim. @TimArnot


thanks for the quick reply.  i just wanted to make sure i was not making some kind of silly mistake.i will certainly be using plan-g to create flight plans, and i will experiment with linking it to fsx, perhaps on another computer.  good luck with  version 3; i will look forward to running it.
