
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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78 LUA: "F:\Flightssim9 Apps\Plan-G_V2.0.5.493\Initial.LUA": not found

Started by GDR1944, December 09, 2011, 09:07:59 PM

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********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 09/12/11, Time 13:50:04.250: Client name is WINXP1
       78 LUA: "F:\Flightssim9 Apps\Plan-G_V2.0.5.493\Initial.LUA": not found
      125 Attempting to connect now
      797 Server = OWNER-PC
      828 Trying TCP/IP host "OWNER-PC" port 8002 ...
      828 ... Okay, IP Address =

Created data base and displayed installed airports and nav ok found fs9 on win7 just fine.
Do I need to edit some cfg file to fix this
I think the LUA is the problem

tim arnot

What did the rest of the log say (you stopped just before the crucial information). Also, what  about the WideServer log?

Tim. @TimArnot


OOPS sorry for lack of info. Host  Win7 computer in shop AGAIN
Thanks for patients
Try again next week had nothing but trouble with this $2.000 computer
I'm about ready to go to small claims court.

********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 09/12/11, Time 16:42:40.375: Client name is WINXP1
       78 LUA: "F:\Flightssim9 Apps\Plan-G_V2.0.5.493\Initial.LUA": not found
      141 Attempting to connect now
      594 Server = OWNER-PC
      625 Trying TCP/IP host "OWNER-PC" port 8002 ...
      625 ... Okay, IP Address =
    17719 New Client Application: "PlanG" (Id=2208)
    21594 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out
    21594 Ready to try connection again
    23609 Attempting to connect now
    24594 Server = OWNER-PC
    24719 Trying TCP/IP host "OWNER-PC" port 8002 ...
    24719 ... Okay, IP Address =
  6451875 Trying TCP/IP host "OWNER-PC" port 8002 ...
  6451875 ... Okay, IP Address =
  6475859 Server = OWNER-PC
  6475875 Trying TCP/IP host "OWNER-PC" port 8002 ...
  6475875 ... Okay, IP Address =

  6498094 ****** End of session performance summary ******
  6498094 Total time connected = 0 seconds
  6498094 Reception maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
  6498094 Transmission maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
  6498094 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

  6498094 **************** Individual client application activity ****************
  6498094 Client 2208 requests: 10 (Ave 10/sec), Data: 400 bytes (400/sec), Average 40 bytes/Process

tim arnot

You need to set up WideClient/server with the IP address of your HOST PC on your internal LAN, *NOT* your public Internet IP. It will be 192.168.something.something. The address you've used is the external one allocated by your ISP, which is akin to your street address, and not visible from inside your LAN.

Tim. @TimArnot