Issues with minimize maximize and close with FSX loaded

Started by bill721, December 19, 2011, 09:41:36 PM

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When I load Plan G by itself the minimize maximize and close boxes in the upper right hand corner work just fine.  When I load FSX they stop working.  Any idea why this is happening.  I think it is causing me graphics issues in FSX, but not sure yet



Problem possibly related, but...: After new install of last version Plan-G on Win-7-64 PC
(Admin for install and first run, MS .NET Framework 4 Client profile and Extended installed,
even FSUIPC) Plan-G (not in Program Files) starts only outside the screen (either with 1 or 2 monitors), and then the red "close window" button right-upper corner remains white, and does not work at all. (ALT+F4 works most of the time) Also resizing the window from half-window to 3/4 size (1920x1080) leaves the program hanging. Have to use Taskmanager to stop it.
The ASUS G74Sx is new, Windows install is new, all other programs (FSX included) run fine.
Graphics nVidia 560.  The identical Plan-G on a second Win7 PC with different Graph card (ATI 5350) runs ok. Haven't the faintest what the cause could be.  Who has??


Something I found out in Windows 7 that causes problems is if you right click on your desktop and click on Personalize and then display you have the options of making it easier to read at 125% and 150%.  Most game programs work better when you leave it on the default smaller setting at 100%.  I find when I do that Plan G works well and I can minimize or maximize it by the boxes in the upper right hand corner as it should work. 

I also try to minimize first and then either open FSX or Plan G so I never having both open at the same time.   

Sorry I don't use multiple displays.

Hope this helps. 


tim arnot

It's a known problem in the third-party library that manages the ribbon interface. It should be fixed in v3.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim and Bill721,

Thanks for your reactions.
Reducing the fontsize in Windows to 100% solved part of the problems.
Reading these minuscule characters (full HD on a laptop)
is a problem despite my good vision,
so I hope this V3 is coming soon....any predictions?

Resizing the window still doesn't work as it should.
I found that reducing the number of objects on the map
helps, but even then I have to do it very slowly, or the program hangs.

Regards, and have a fine newyear's eve!
