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Basic (KML file) or raw txt file with Lat/Lon

Started by artalvar55, January 16, 2012, 09:48:26 PM

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Many times, I do share my files with my group, specially if Flying VFR, I read with special interest and attention your manual in regards to creating KMZ files. I do undersatand the limitations or restirctions imposse by Google.

In any event, is there a way to have an export function with decimal Lat/Lon of the each point (Apt,VOR,NDB, UserPoint, etc) that make up the FP (simple TXT file with ID,Lat,Lon), so I can create the Path manually using Google Map and then share it with my friends ??...

Thanks again and regards,


tim arnot

There are no plans for writing KML files, but there may be better ways to read them in v3 (ie without having to upload to a server)

Tim. @TimArnot