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Build 49

Started by tim arnot, August 27, 2012, 10:34:11 PM

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tim arnot

If your log file contains parse-double errors, please post it here, and I will fix it.

Quote from: Pansar-Nisse on August 31, 2012, 07:21:06 PM
I'm new on this forum.
I just wanted to say that I've found a solution to the errors when building the x-plane database:

1. Delete log file.
2. Try build the database.
3. Exit Plan-G and check your log file.
4. If the log contains parse double errors, go to localization settings in the control panel and
change decimal sign from decimal comma to decimal point.
5. After you buildt the database, you can change localization settings back to what it was.

Best regards,

Tim. @TimArnot


Your fixes seem to work :) Great, and thanks!


Here's the log file.  :)

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


"If the log contains parse double errors"

not that clear enough for me ... What is a parse double error ? How do I see that kind of error ? How does it look like ?

thanks to give an example

tim arnot

Quote from: ontheair on September 02, 2012, 07:38:15 AM
"If the log contains parse double errors"

not that clear enough for me ... What is a parse double error ? How do I see that kind of error ? How does it look like ?

thanks to give an example

See the log file three posts up.

Tim. @TimArnot

sky one

Quote from: tim arnot on August 27, 2012, 10:34:11 PM
This is a test build. If you've had problems with build 46/47/48 please try it.

  • Runway orientation fix, take 2

It seems to need a "take 3": in my XP (Italian) with a comma as decimal separator, the runway orientation was wrong; I rebuilt the DB after I changed the decimal separator with a dot and now the rwys orientation is correct.
X-plane user

sky one

Hi Tim,
I found something strange (for me): I need to click three times the little diagonal arrow in the "Nav Database" section of the Data Ribbon to open the options window. If I close it, I need to reclick another three times to reopen it.

X-plane user

tim arnot

That's very odd. Does it happen to any of the other options popups?

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Please refer to the build 50 thread.

Tim. @TimArnot