
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Need Information

Started by GOLF, January 25, 2010, 09:29:44 PM

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To try and get Plan-G working with FSX SimConnect I have done the following.   (Windows XP.  All updates and Net Frameworks installed.)

Uninstalled FSX, FSX-SDK and deleted folders.
Did disk defrag.

Installed FSX and registered.
Installed FSX-SDK
Installed SP1
Installed SDK SP1a
Installed SP2

Question 1:
I have BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SDK.Beta3 but am not sure what to do with it.   Can't find any information on installation.
Should it go in the SDK folder?

Question 2:
Is there anything else that I need to install to get Plan-G and SimConnect to work?   Previously I was given information that I needed SP2.    Now I see in one of the posts that SP2/Acceleration is needed.

I hope Acceleration is not also needed, just don't have the dollars right now.

Thanks for the help.

ADDED - Just discovered a file SDK.msi.   If I read correctly this is an upgrade to SDK SP1a.  Is this correct or is it not needed?

tim arnot

1. Nothing. There is no requirement to install anything other than the Plan-G download. (apart from FSX of course  ;))

2. No. SP2 and Acceleration are equivalent as far as Plan-G is concerned.

Then, if you are running FSX and Plan-G on the same PC, you should be able to click on the Connect button, and Bob's your uncle.

In the even t that it doesn't connect first time, or you are running across a Lan, turn to section 9 of the manual for further instructions.

Tim. @TimArnot


Got it to connect. ;D

Couldn't get it to work so decided to install SDK.msi.  Guess this is the latest SDK.

Network Mode:      IPv4
FSX Computer:      Blank
Server Port/Pipe:  0

Got a connection. :o

Now I need to figure out how to get it to work on my laptop. :'( :'( ::)