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Crash when Installing Plan_G V. 3

Started by Rimax, August 27, 2012, 12:53:06 PM

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I can't install Plan-G v. 3. After clicking "next" in the 1st installation screen I get and advertisement "Microsoft Windows has encountered a problem and must stop....." an and error log is generated (see attachment). Same error all times I try to install.
Any help for this ?

tim arnot

Maybe there is a problem with .Net 4.0 on your system? You could try reinstalling it.

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Also try the test build 48 which doesn't have an installer.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim:
Thank you so much for your very quick response. De installation and reinstalling .NET Framework 4 had not any result for my problem, so I tried build 48 that seems to open correctly. So I'll use it in a flight and will comment if any problem arises.

:) :)


Finally I'm using build 49. All data base from FSX have been correctly set, except for User waypoints. I exported Plan-G v2 User Wpts in a .csv format but when try to import to Plan-G v3 I get "Imported 0 files of 1".
Are both data base compatible, or I have to write my wpts again ?


The problem has been solved. Before exporting Wpts I forgot to select all wpts, so no one was exported.  Now everything seems to work ok.


I've tested several times Plan-G V 3 build 49 with satisfactory results after solving minor problems. But when I intend to create a new user waypoint it is not added to the data base and of course doesn't appear in the User Waypoints Manager. An issue to this problem is to build the waypoint in Plan-G V 2 and then export it to the Plan-G V 3, but it's not very practical.
Any solution for this ? . I inclose Plan-G log book.