Sorry Tim...Another connection problem via Network PC

Started by davecat, November 20, 2012, 11:24:39 PM

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Grazie mille Cristiano!

Italian American in Texas appreciates you trying to help.

What I have double checked:

Host FSX computer:

running FSX as administrator
firewall allowing FSX
microsft security essentials anti virus updated to exclude FSX
simconnect.xml in proper roaming directory

Client Laptop;

Plan G installed and running as administrator
firewall allowing Plan G
AVG anit virus excludes Plan G

Using default gateway IP address in the simconnect.xml and in Plan G.

May be time to move on....after researching what I have been reading about below.

One more topic I have read about with simconnct problems.  People report that with the many updates of FSX, come several versions of the Simconnect.dll file.  I have found three in the /windows/winsxs folder. 


Like I mentioned earlier it recommends un-install/re-install of FSX SP1 and SP2.  Then if that does not fix problem, un-install SP1 and SP2, then delete 61259 and 61242 versions of somconnect, followed by re-insatall of SP1 and SP2.

Once agian I am grasping at straws. 


Cristiano...curious what part of Italy are you located. Mio padre e crescuito a Ancona.  Forgive me as my Italian is rusty.

sky one

Hello Dave,

I think you need to change both IP in Simconnect.xml file and in Plan-G to (your FSX PC's IP). Don't care about it's just a gateway. Don't forget to check the port in Plan-G's connection option, but I think you already did it.
I don't know if it's supposed to allow something else inside the firewall, but since noone reported something about it, I think we don't need anything more with firewalls.
Next step, as you said, should be uninstall/reinstall of SP2 and/or SP1...

I'm from northern Italy (between Milan and Piacenza - a couple of Kms from COD (400.5) NDB). I did my holidays near Ancona some years ago and I fould lovely places with lovely people. Please take my best wishes to your father.

X-plane user

tim arnot is definitely the correct address from the information given.

Tim. @TimArnot


192.168.100 causes Client Plan-G to crash upon trying to connect.

sky one

Hello Dave,

have you any news? Could you please check this message and see if it could be applied to you too?

X-plane user