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How to start and what are possibilities....

Started by Jive1, April 27, 2013, 10:26:39 AM

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I incidently discovered the existence of a PlanG program when I was looking for a moving map program for use with my FS9 on Windows7.
I also discovered that in fact the PlanG is a flight planner, which also can be used as a moving map program, is that correct?
I can start the program, and I have FSUIPC combined with WideFS, and according to what I read in the Tutorial, I don't need no other program to make FS9 and Plan-G talk to eachother, is that also correct?
However, when I start FS9 and Plan-G, there must be something which is not correct, and I cannot find waht is could be, because, even when WideFS tells me that it is connected to FS9, the Plan-G program does not see my FS9 on the main computer, whereas Plan-G itself is on my second computer.
Can anybody advise me where I have to look for a possible error and what could it be?

tim arnot

Please attach the log file, which you will find in My Documents\Plan-G Files.

Tim. @TimArnot


Good morning Tim!
Here is the log file.

tim arnot

I don't see any sign in the log that you have trued to establish a connection.

You need to set the connection  parameters to FSUIPC and press the Connect button...

Tim. @TimArnot


I had a problem in communiction from the second ( with Windeows XP )  to teh main pc with Windows7). That is solved now, and I try again.
What I see is that making the internal datyabase takes a very long time. I'm waiting now already 90 minutes and processing  is still going on. Is that normal?


Hey! Tim,
It seems that the PLAN-G map is complete. At least I can see the complete map with airway signs and so on.
Should I now stop manually the internal database building, or just wait? I'm waiting now already almost 2 hours, and plan-G still tells me to wait for Writing 64319 Airways....
Please inform what I shall do.


Good Morning Tim
At last I found the solution for my netwerk problems...
See attached the Plan-G_Log.txt
I started yesterday, as follows...

I start FS9 on my main PC with FSUIPC in the Modules folder. My active aircraft is at Heathrow and it takes me some 3-4 minutes to have my start position.
I start WideClient on my second PC, and I see that there is a connection between those two pc's, Wide Client says:'connection'.
On the second PC I start now PLAN-G v3 and this latter opens a map somewhere around EGGP, I think, I'm not sure,because the map is not well detailed.
Now I go to FSUIPC and look for a 'Connect'-button, but can't find one.
So, I go back to PLAN G and click on 'Build Navifation Database' . I get a new window that asks me to search for FS2004 data, but first I must indicate where my FS9 is. I try to open my Main PC from within the PLAN-G menu, but the system tells me that I have insufficient rights or that the filename is incorrect.
I first had to find a solution for this problem, and I think that I am so far now, I can connect now.
I click again on 'Build Navigation Database' an now I can indeed point to my FS9.exe and start building that required database. It takes more than 60 minutes ( it's an older pc working under Win XP ), mostly because of the Airways loading, I guess. After about 70 minutes some airwaysigns appeared on the map.
BUt after several hours the database building is not finished. I decided to stop and to continue on a later time.
So that is what I did this morning.
I started again my pc's same as yesterday, and dat databasebuilding continues... as you can see on the log-file.
I think the whole procedure is OK now, after only 20 minutes or so, and I can start working with the PLAN-G program. I will now read the tutorial to know how to start.
However, one more question....
Since I have lots of addon sceneries in my FS9, I grouped these and made myself 8 different scenery.cfg files for 8 different areas on earth, because I could no longer do the job in one single scenerey.cfg file, it became too large!
So I want to know... If I will switch from one area to another, will it then be so that, while building the database, the new data will be added to the existing ones from the first area, or will I then get a complete new database just for the new area. In others words... Do I need te make eacht time a new database, when I switch from one to another scenery.cfg file in FS9, or will it do with one bigger database after having used the 8 different areas?
That means, if eg. I fly from Europe to USA, I will have to swiotch in FS9 from the European scenery.cfg file to the one of North America. So I must eighter make a new database for PLAN-G as well, and will the data be added to the existing database, or will it be a complete new database? I guess that the data will be added?....
I hope the whole story is clearly enough explained.


So far, with FS9 and FSUIPC and WideFS I have no problems anymore. All is so selfexplainig after some time working with PLAN-G program. Fine! Really fine!
I still have one question, and I explained already in the last paragraph of my previous reply....
How do I combine those various scenery.cfg files that I have to the one and only database of PLAN-G program?
I started a week ago with my scenery.cfg of Europe, but now I want to add the data of my 8 other scenery.cfg files without damaging or loosing the data already in the PLAN-G database.
In the tutorial it is not very clear to me, how to do so....
Please can anybody explain how to start adding all data of my FS9 addon scenery.

tim arnot

Are you building the database across the LAN? It's much better to install a second copy on your FS PC and build it there (no more than 10 minutes max on a slow PC) and copy the database files to your laptop. The files are in My Documents\Plan-G Files\Data.

In the Build database settings dialog there is a section for Additional scenery locations. Add each scenery location you want included (the actual scenery, not the scenery.cfg location)

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you, Tim!
I had already a second installation of the program on the pc where my FS9 is, and indeed loading a dataset goes much quicklier than over a LAN.
However, whatever I tried, it seems not possible for me to load extra data to my existing set. Maybe I do not well understand what is explained in the Tutorial, because I'm of Dutch expression, and some details of the Englich may escape from my understanding.
OK, maybe somebody can try to explain me a little more detailed, how I should proceed,  but what happens when eg. I point to a folder with airport data to load the data up when the same folder was already loaded. For instance, if I point to my Addon Scenery folder which contains of course all data that should overwrite those of FS9 itself. Can I do so, in order to have all airdata loaded into the PLAN-G's database? Indeed, from time to time I will have to reload newer data from each of my 8 scenery.cfg files, and each contain a few hundreds of scenery folders.... I cannot possibly load each of these over thousend datafolders one after the other to the PLAN-G datebase.....
Please can you help me?

tim arnot

If you do not want to add each of your scenery folders one at a time, create a file called AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt in your Plan-G files folder (it may already exist), and add the scenery locations to that using your favourite text editor (cut & paste etc).

If you do not add the folders, Plan-G will not include those sceneries.

The contents of this file will be processed BEFORE Plan-G reads your active scenery.cfg. Plan-G will not duplicate data it has already read, so you can happily include your active cfg too.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have in my Plan-G files folder a file named AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt, and the contents of that file is F:\FS9\Addon Scenery
May I conclude that this will result in, or is already implemented, and that all sceneries in the Addon Scenery are in the Plan-G database?