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Our Modest Donation

Started by robertcezar, September 02, 2013, 07:46:13 PM

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Please accept our modest donation with our sincere thanks for this remarkable programme. I used Plan-G numerous times setting up the It's Your Plane Trip Around The World.

We have encouraged all of our 7,500+ pilots to download and use Plan-G.

Thanks again for your continuing contributions to the Flight Sim community.


Robert Cezar

tim arnot

Gosh, thank you.


Tim. @TimArnot


The combination of Prepar3D, It's Your Plane (By Robert Cezar) and Plan-G by Tim are simply the best combination of Flight Simulator tools one can buy and use (of course Plan-G is free and anyone using it should donate to Tim).  With P3D running on a host and IYP/Plan-G running on a client they make for a fantastic learning/operational experience.