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"Scale" bar in lower left corner is now missing.

Started by Wigwag, December 01, 2013, 06:24:28 PM

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I have version Plan-G has worked great for years, but I noticed two strange things recently. First is my little scale or distance bar in the left lower corner of the map ( 2, 5, 10, 20 miles etc) is gone so I don't know how far distances are on the map?

The second item is I can no longer right click on a particular airport on the map to start a flight plan and in turn right click on other airports to add them to the plan.

Not sure if these two issues are related, but appeard to happen at the same time. Any ideas? Thanks.


tim arnot

I would imagine it's part of the great google switchoff...

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry Tim I'm not sure what the google switchoff is? 

FWIW when I use google maps outside of Plan-G the scale bar is down in the left lower corner and it changes according to my zoom, but it's not there when I open Plan-G anymore.

tim arnot

Google have disabled an API that was required to make the old versions of Plan-G work. There are lots of threads here discussing it. Your option at the moment is to upgrade to the current release, 3.0.7.

Tim. @TimArnot